Jovian nodded to Theomedar when he had given him a meeting place. He looked at the girls as they alked about Rimeth’s bow and arrows. A natural smirk came across his face as he listened to the them. He thought it was cute and funny how they spoke. He wanted to laugh Rimeth said that she wanted to show off her bow skills. He thought it was really cute. Instead he coughed a little bit from sipping on his wine. He looked up at Sylvar when he had pointed out that he was the one that encouraged her to become better with bow and arrow. In all reality, it would be really useful to have that skill for a woman. This way, she’d be able to kill someone much bigger than her if it really had come down to it. Jovian planned on being there though, no matter what. Even though their marriage had been set up and no real love was put into it, he would stand up for her as a man. That being said, true real love, was festering inside of Jovian the more time he had spent with Rimeth. All the fond memories that he had with her, and her good attitude made it easy for him to fall in love with her over the years. Jovian chuckled when Sylvar teased her about hurting him. She had seemed so innocent and free spirited. It was a perfect match for him personally. Maybe she would mature and change into someone different as time moved along. He took a bite of some food, almost finishing his meal.