I've been lurking this thread for a while now, and I don't have a whole lot to say that hasn't already been said, but I do have a small bit. Aside from the "y'all need a chill pill" thoughts I'm having, the one thing I want to say is that, for the most part, I think the mod team has been doing their job fine enough. I'm not here to defend them, but they do seem to be getting absolutely hammered over here. Speaking as a member who doesn't chat and confines himself to mostly my own RPs and the bitchin' thread, all I've seen is them doing their job as they should without any major screwups. Iunno any of the banned individuals personally, but you'd have to fuck up pretty majorly on multiple accounts to get to that state. It's not as if I've seen anyone go mad with power and go on a banning spree of everyone who's face they didn't like. So far I've seen mods hide posts when asked to, help out when I've asked questions and nuked spambots. Pretty average stuff. The only thing I'd like to really see that was brought up in this thread is more transparency, because that's always a good thing... or the "Freeze account" thing Sherlock mentioned. I think it'd at least calm down the people upset with the direction the site is going in and be a quality of life improvement over all. ...but seriously people, stop jumping down each other's throats and slandering individuals. That ain't good for nobody.