"At the very least, you should probably only try that in places where ravens actually live." Ahnasha pointed out to Sabine. "Honestly, that Nord was right to be angry at her; it was stupid to think that we wouldn't catch on. She might underestimate us, or just be that overconfident." "Possibly." Meesei commented, though there was little else for her to say on the matter. At this point, they had mostly just speculation about their foe, and would not likely be able to figure out much else from their inn room. It was probably best for them to just resume their search as soon as they were ready. "I believe we should go to the stables and see if the Orc has returned. Though first, I will return to the clan and ask the scholars to search for those notes. It should not take me too long to do so, and I would like to have them get to work sooner rather than later. Pack up our belongings in the meantime. We shall not be staying in this inn again." --- It took only about half an hour for the pack to depart their inn. They were traveling fairly light, so they did not have too much to pack, and Meesei needed only to instruct the scholars in Blackreach to find the original notes, so she created a portal back to her room in the inn as soon as she could. Out of caution, she did take a magicka potion from Sabine to quickly restore her reserves, since at this point, they did not truly know when they could be attacked. As at least one stroke of luck for the day, the estimate they had for when the Orc would return seemed to be accurate. Asking around the stables as they had been for the last week, someone finally mentioned that an Orc carriage driver had stabled her horses. Although, it was somewhat harder to actually find the Orc herself. There were several who worked in the stables that knew her, and confirmed that the Orc was, in fact, Daraza, but it took about half an hour and a bribe of ten gold coins to get someone willing to go to Daraza's home in the city and bring her out to them. The pack was waiting out in the stables, taking the chance to visit Leaps while they could. Most stable hands were wary around the giant reptile, so they did need to come out occasionally to interact with him. It took roughly another fifteen minutes of waiting before an Orc woman came walking into the stable. She did not seem like she was dressed as a traveler, as she was not wearing the usual desert robes and instead wore a simple pair of light brown breeches and a matching cloth shirt. However, it was possible that she did not intend to leave the city so soon after returning. "So, I hear you've been askin' around for me. That true?" She asked.