[hider=Done Son] [center][h1][color=violet]Morgana Ironholdt [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4c/16/b6/4c16b61779fd40bf342a336f32915134--anime-girl-white-hair-kucing-lucu.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=violet]"Well, What are you waiting for?"[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Using Contacts] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d9/c0/27/d9c0278bab5cef12c574c4e1eda4dd91.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=violet]Gender[/color]: Female [color=violet]Age[/color] 19 [color=violet]Height/Weight[/color]: 172cm 68kg [color=violet]Alignment[/color]: Chaotic Good [color=violet]Master of[/color]: Lancer [hider=Personality] Morgana's personality can be described as follows, She is a no nonsense type of person preferring if people get straight to the point with things because she literally doesn't have the time to spare as a result of her inherited mortality from her inheritance of the family crest. This impatience is very notable as it can result in her being clumsy and rather rash. Not a good thing to be if your blind. Hence why its not uncommon for her to have scratchs and bruises from simply going place to place. Which speaks good testament of her pain tolerance. Even so, This doesn't mean she is incapable of feeling empathy, she knows the concept of sacrifice more then anyone. She's had to give up more things then not. Her childhood and her sight purely to uphold family values as the heir to the family name. While other kids got to mingle, she was home schooled and taught that she was better then those that could cast magic purely due to the birth and when she couldn't meet expectations she was beaten. That isn't to say she dislikes her family, more so that she wouldn't look out for any of them but she still thinks highly of others and envies them for their longevity. [/hider] [hider=Background] Morgana never had the perfect childhood nore did she really want one, At 5 years of age she was rendered blind by eye implants which thankfully was successful due to her having the family's rampant albinism traits and compatible circuits something that was uncommon, hence why the ironholdts usually had multiple children as inheriting the crest wasn't actually a good thing in most scenarios due to the restrictions on modern magecraft and the bloodline dilution. Imagine a 5 year old girl receiving the equivalent of a death sentence and that is a good example for what happened to the young Morgana. It wasn't all bad because between training to use the crest and the cawl she was allowed to rest during the compensation time. Which gave her ample opportunity to read even if her body would be on the brink of collapsing from the sheer muscular weakness which would eventually be mitigated as she grew older. It was her rapid reading and slight thirst for knowledge that led to her being placed under Clocktower supervision. This action was taken by her parents in order to prevent her becoming the next occupant of the 'bridge'. After all, if one Ironholdt was already there for their thirst for more knowledge why would they want a second... But that brings her to the present time, Her grades are topsy turvy, Extremely high in the knowledge section but low in the practical section either because she doesn't want to exert herself, or because she is simply unable to, due to her inherited crest. Perhaps that is why she has a small problem with professor Ayondale, Small being an understatement. The Man quite literally deemed her an academic certainly but a fighter certainly not. He even had the Gal to liken her existence to the living flesh dolls regarded as homonculi making such comments about her eyes being disgustingly inhuman. To put it short he had both insulted her existence, and then decided to pour salt on her one problem with herself, if this had happened once perhaps she would of let it pass but he refused to comply with her demands... Ironholdts are usually known for their openness and close bonds to their comrades on the field of battle... Oh and their [i][b]Grudges[/b][/i]. [/hider] [color=violet]Origin[/color]: Absence [color=violet]Element[/color]: Void (Ether), Earth, Water [color=violet]School of Magecraft[/color]: Flowing and Transference of Power, Conduction of Ether. [hider=List of Skills/Spells] [hider=Eyes of the WarlocK] A direct result of her inheritance of her family's crest, these Mystic eyes were implanted into the young girl at a young age due to transference method of the family's crest. When not active through the use of special eye wear, they appear to be akin to normal eyes though with red colouration as common with albinism. However when the eye wear is removed the true nature of the eyes can be seen. They function as a way to see magic and only magic. As in all the eye can see is the concentrations of magic and the connections that run between them. The more magic in concentration, the brighter it appears. It is from this ability that all of her other ability's stem from. Allowing the eyes to stay active consumes 1 unit per 5 seconds of activity while also providing the visual effect of Mana leaking from the iris's creating a burning eye effect. -It can be noted that sealing these eyes to prevent them drawing from the possessor causes blindness while they are inactive. [/hider] Redirection: An ability that allows the redirection of magical projectiles, This is the cheapest means she has of dealing with a spell, cost varies from 3 units for a slight alteration of a projectiles flight path, to 12 units for it to do a complete return to sender. Reinforcement: A spell that allows the caster to reinforce an object. The Unit cost varies on the degree of reinforcement. She couples this skill with the Cowl of the Warlock in order to siphon of as much mana as possible creating a strong counter to mage craft. She is also capable of Organic reinforcement due to the particular effect of her eyes. [hider=Cowl of the Warlock] Cowl of the Warlock: A spell that costs 40 units to activate even with the crests heavy mana reduction of the ability, the other prerequisite is that the mystic eyes are active. This is the signature magic of the Ironholdts family, tracing all the way back to the progenitor. It is usually activated with the aid of other magus. However it is possible to activate it solely from one self, though that runs the risk of actually damaging ones own circuits. The spell involves becoming a conduit for the raw mana in the air. Effectively becoming a the magic equivalent of a lightning rod. This effectively sends the casters circuits into overdrive where they start to absorb as mana in a way that can only be deemed parasitic. This allows them to replenish their magic at a rapid pace but the true strength in this ability is the fact that magical energy that makes contact with the cowl is broken down and then absorbed effectively making the cowl a protection from the fallacy of gods. However even so, this does not make it the perfect defence. The cowl and therefore the casters magic circuits can be forced to absorb too much causing the caster both agony and the spell to be dispelled. The spell also does nothing to prevent physical interference, which the user is also blind to due to the eyes being only capable of seeing magic itself. So even a blade can be seen as a sufficient countermeasure. Physically when the spell is active the user appears to be shrouded in robes which is accompanied by the cowl itself. This is not a corporal outfit but instead the Mana literally being expunged from their body as a compensation measure. Of course this makes it the equivalent of a beacon to any magical user in the area so it isn't good for stealth tactics. Finally it can also be noted that when this spell is over, the casters body enters a compensation state where it becomes physically weak, hence the allegory for this ability being basically on drugs. The avarage compensation time is that for each minute of activity, the body goes into an hour of compensation. Exceeding 20 minutes can lead to a coma. [/hider] Information Reading: A simple spell that allows the caster to scan the contents of a book and read it while it is closed, a simple party trick in most cases for most magus. Morgana however uses it to read books that aren't as fitting for the blind, allowing her to study like anyone else at the clocktower. Cost 2 units. Crest Magics: The latent magics in the crest usually are to do with the manipulation of mana itself, they vary from either draining a magus of their circuits (though any attempts Morgana has made at this has overloaded her circuits before it could be completed) to simply creating a link between magus's reserves in order for group spells to work better. To a spell that the family refuses to disclose due to it being very dangerous if other people know. [/hider] [color=violet]Mystic Code[/color]: Boom stick (it has some other name that she has neglected to use.): The mystic code takes the form of a walking stick, which is helpful due to her imposed blindness. The Walking stick is capable of letting out a magical shock wave that is capable of knocking people other. This has a double function of allowing her to effectively see her environment through the pulse allowing her to 'see' even with her occular handicap. [color=violet]Circuit Quality[/color]: C+ [color=violet]Circuit Quantity[/color]: A [color=violet]Number of circuits[/color]: 75 Circuits with 2 studs each [color=violet]Od (units)[/color]: 90 [color=violet]Maximum circuit capacity[/color]: 340 [color=violet]Other[/color]: She has highly sensitive hearing as a result of her blindness which in some cases can be seen as a weakness. [/hider] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-sVTaZRPk[/youtube] Now excuse me.