[center] [h1]The Kingdom of Zellonia[/h1] [h2][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/28f2/i/2016/056/1/4/random_fictional_english_flag_by_captainvoda-d46x97b.png [/img][/h2][/center] [center][color=pink] [h2]Backlash[/h2][/color] [/center] After the budget that made absolutely no sense the offical finance minister was arrested today for false report and a trial is supposed to happen soon. In other news unemployment grows and the king at 34 still has no wife. [center][color=pink] [h2]Family?[/h2][/color] [/center] The King knowing his own age wishes to invite the marnish and memoital royal familes to Zeel to stay at his grand manor. Some speculate it’s to get a wife with royal blood.