[color=AE3662]"Well, I suppose so."[/color] Evlynne was a little stiff in the joints and more than a little dizzy. As her eyes began to refocus, they started to adopt a concerned look. There Yna was, struggling to hold up her own emaciated frame. The lips were dry nearly to the point of blistering, the face pale and sallow. [color=AE3662]"You look like I'll need to study Necromancy soon."[/color] Evlynne didn't seem to appreciate the gravity of the situation yet. At this point, she was under the impression that the absent wand must've cast a necrotic spell on Yna before crumbling to ash. After all, there did seem to be a small pile of slowly disintegrating grey material on the ground. There was a cracking in her knuckles as Evlynne extended her hand to the side and expressively snapped her fingers. A spectral appendage sprung into existence beside her and started to rummage through her things. From her pack, the [i]mage hand[/i] pulled a corked horn of water and presented it proudly to Yna. [color=AE3662]"You look just a [i]tad[/i] thirsty, Xee."[/color] [@corneredbliss]