[Center][h2]Heartless-Icehouse Hideout[/h2] [@yoshua171][@BCTheEntity][@Eklispe][@ProPro][@Old Amsterdam][/center] Ryan emerged from a random shadow on the wall, sipping a glass of root beer he had procured from the kitchen, just after Jason came upstairs. Half of his body still in the shadow, Ryan made a very loud sip as he pondered upon Jason's question. [color=darkgray]"I doubt we need that much of a plan. I go in, taze the guards silently, let you guys in, then you carry the loot out. Not much of a plan needed."[/color] Ryan shrugged and sipped his soda once again. [color=darkgray]"Anyone have any better plans?"[/color] He asked out loud as he fully emerged from the shadow, sitting on a random stool nonchalantly.