[center][h3]Helia Caron[/h3][/center] [i]King Viserys of House Targaryen, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, is dead. His Grace passed peaceably abed with his good wife, Queen Alicent and his first trueborn son at his side. In accordance with the decree of the Great Council of 101AC and the laws of Gods and Men, his crown has passed to Crown Prince Aegon Targaryen, the Second of his name, Rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm. Crowned in the great Sept of Baelor, anointed in the oils of the Seven alongside his good wife Queen Helaena. May their reign be long and peaceful. Grandmaester Munkun[/i] [hr] If one asked what the situation in Nightsong, in the Hallowed Hall had been when Helia Caron had held that declaration of the message...it was only one. Anger. "What bloody path does these traitors think they are taking? Barely the King is dead...and these bastards are going for the Crown. When forever more, it had been spoken - even told that by the King public and court that Rhaenyra was to be Queen..." she growled, throwing the letter into the fire. It set off a very m, very dangerous precedence. Namely it a message, the small Council could steal the birthright of those they wished. How long until they went after others - whom they didn't like, their rivals or offered titles to allies instead? It also threatened her own existence - and that gained by House Caron. Even if she was a woman, she had a duty to make sure her House remained growing. Not be bound my marriage to another name and let House Caron be lost to dusk of time again. Their grandfather had worked too hard on that, sacrificed honor, family and blood to get them this far. She then addressed the messenger, a young boy whom barely was able to hide his weakness. "Prepare ink and quill. And write down exactly what I say. Have it addressed to Otto Hightower and that snake of a daughter she has. I know they are behind this..." [b]'Dear, Lord Hightower. I don't know what you have planned with this coup. But I demand answers, right away this instant. I dare not curse the new King' name just yet - less I blame the wrong snake for it's bite.' 'But you have some explaining to do. By what right, do you command to overturn the law and word of your own King? The man whom placed you in that position, for you to stab him in his dead heart like that?' 'I ask, no demand, answers for this. Less I take my Black Riders and make sure every last supporter of your act to Old Town itself feels the price of betrayal. Though this letter seems rather strong, keep in mind - your act started this'. Helia Caron, Lady of the Marches[/b] "Get this to a Raven and sent to King' Landing immediately. We now wait for their move..." she said, already starting to dispatch her own runners to her bannermen.