This thread got surprisingly stupid and vitriolic for a bit there. Wouldn't have even blamed the mods for locking it. Glad y'all came back from the brink. I disagree with the idea that we shouldn't have public discussion threads like this in the future on a fundamental basis. Threads like this are a hotbed for drama and frankly will attract undesirable people to the conversation at times, but when private discussions get nowhere then something like this is necessary. However, ideally there shouldn't be a [i]need[/i] for threads like this in the future and that can be achieved through staff accountability as has been generally agreed upon in here. I suppose that's my last two cents before I [i]actually[/i] take it to PMs. P.S. [@Inkarnate] just because you try to word yourself eloquently or politely doesn't mean you haven't been "combative and antagonistic" yourself. Discreetly hostile isn't much better than openly hostile. Just wanted to point that out since the phrasing you used and others repeated bothered me a little. It applies to more people than just you and moreso to some of them. I probably don't need to name them, they aren't difficult to guess. I'd be on the list too if I cared to persecute myself.