"He's an asshole," Felix answered readily, even as he sped Rue off toward the big top. Damn that Cole! He was always showing off his abs and his bad attitude and catching the girls' attention -- Cole thought he was better than everyone else and he made sure no one was confused about his superiority. Felix often hoped that Cole would set himself on fire one day, just to prove the fire-breather could make mistakes just like everyone else. One thing that Felix had right now that Cole [i]didn't[/i] have was Rue -- and Felix would make damned sure Cole would never have her. "Anyone [i]can[/i] do that fire-breathing thing," he answered her question irritably, "but it takes a lot of practice, a lot of stupidity and a lot of getting burned. It's what desperate people do when they have no other skills." He saw the manager walking by, and Felix flagged her down. Isabel was a proper lady in a simple dress, bright hair pinned back and a no-nonsense determination in her face. She noticed Felix and stepped toward them, and her eyebrows immediately raised at the sight of Rue's teeth and ears. Felix took off his hat out of respect. "Miss Isabel, this is Rue. Rue, Miss Isabel is the manager here. Ma'am, Rue here would like to stay on with us for awhile -- right?" He looked hopefully at Rue; the alien girl hadn't exactly been excited about joining the circus, and Felix only hoped she would say yes. Isabel folded her arms, and she regarded Rue carefully, though not unkindly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rue -- but why do you want to join the circus, and what are your skills? I don't have money or food or shelter to give anyone who can't pull her weight. Tell me what you can do." Cole had followed them, and he sat nearby whittling at torches to use in his act, obviously listening to every word.