Even though Adrianna had interrupted Nymira’s conversation with Kensen while waiting for their food to be prepared, they still ignored her. It wasn’t a big deal. It was better to be ignored than despised. As they were conversing, though, a word Kensen used to describe Nymira rolled about in her mind a few times. Had he…called her [i]Princess[/i]? She was a bit slow on the uptake, because they had moved swiftly past that and were going on about differences between their lives here and in Dimuran homes. Even if she had wanted to have a conversation with Ethan, or either of them, it would have been impossible with their bickering, and so she found herself continuing to listen. In truth, it offended her that Nymira suggested they weren’t capable. If they were not capable, then why hadn’t the Dimurans come and taken over the lands? She was tempted to interrupt and ask as much, but Kensen was already answering her, suggesting that the Murans had different goals. She couldn’t really compare the two, and so stayed silent. Though she desperately wanted to remind Nymira that she could not even bandage her own wounds, which was a bit of a mark against her so called “capability.” She had been so prideful about not wanting to be healed, and yet she had no skills with keeping herself upright after injuries. Was it assumed that all Dimurans on the battlefield simply fought until they collapsed? Adrianna honestly didn’t know much about the Dimurans, or their royalty, but she didn’t like anyone making such generalizations. Nymira asked Kensen about the inner cities, and Adrianna wondered how many of them he had been to, compared to her. She had no reason to think that Kensen was uninformed, but the fact that Nymira was going on about Adelon as a whole when she had not been to them was laughable. She scoffed, realizing that Nymira had not even been to any of the cities she already proclaimed to understand and turned to her own food, pushing aside a piece for Ethan when he finally tore his eyes away from the food being cooked. Kensen only had hearsay, but Adrianna didn’t bother to interject to talk about it. They would find out for themselves if they stuck around long enough. The woman’s anger flared further, and Adrianna nearly smiled as she realized that Kensen was definitely getting to her. They bickered like an old married couple. She lost track of the point, though, as Nymira began to talk about how the clans decided things, and continued eating her meat. When everyone had their food, Adrianna tore off a piece of what she had gotten to share with Ethan, since he wanted to try multiple things. As they walked, Adrianna fell into step beside Ethan, who asked if she had been getting into trouble during her journey. “Not…particularly.” Adrianna answered. Was he wondering if she was going to put them in more danger? Or was he trying to gauge if she was capable with a weapon? He answered the question a few moments later, saying that they were definitely getting into trouble when they traveled. “Ahh… Well, no. I can’t say I have run into much in the way of Church or monsters. A few bandits, a batch of slave traders, some general scoundrels, but nothing terribly interesting.” She answered. “Some healers fight with their magic. I…can manage a few light-based attacks, but I’ve never been too pressed into a corner for that. And I have my own closer combat weapons.” She transferred the skewer to her left hand and pulled one of the pieces of her bo staff out of its sleeve on her right hip. “I keep a two section bo staff. So I can wield it with one hand, or link it together with the other and have a larger beating stick.” Adrianna spun the staff through her fingers quickly, and then twirled it around her body quickly and with very little effort. She had decent strength for attacks as well, but as she was eating and they were walking, she wasn’t going to do a full demonstration. Adrianna slid it back into the sleeve and resumed eating. She didn’t think she needed to tell him about the dagger she kept in her boot, or her proficiency with a bow. None of them were carrying them, so she doubted she would have the opportunity to demonstrate it. “So…is it just the Church that has been attacking your crew? Or monsters as well?” She asked. “Could it be because of your company?” She gestured with her nearly finished skewer to Nymira. Though the woman was annoying, Adrianna was attempting to refer to the woman’s royal title, and see if she could learn more about her company in the process.