They acted as if they were being attacked by Zodiark or something terrible like that. Jaakuna didn’t quite understand what the big fucking deal was. It’s not like he maimed them. If he really wanted to win using dirty tactics, he would have summoned Belias. Did he do that? No, he didn’t. He simply exerted his obvious dominance and proved once and for all that there’s only one winner in both the skies and lands of Ivalice. Though, as he would see how furious Reia was at Lorenzo, Jaakuna was reduced to a laughing mess, falling to his knees and pointing at Lorenzo. “[color=ed1c24]Serves you right, huh![/color]” Jaakuna laughed but suddenly felt a large bonk on the back of his blond head, sending him about one foot into the ground. He looked back and it was Savayna who, much like Reia to Lorenzo, gave him a murderous glare, ready to pummel him even further if he didn’t shut up. Joining the rest of them, he had always been amazed at how beautiful the sight of the main palace was. “[color=ed1c24]Ya know, I once had a job to sneak into this place and steal the crown jewels.[/color]” “[color=lightblue]What kind of person would commission you to steal the crown?[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]Oh, you know, people.[/color]” “[color=lightblue]What kind of people?[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]The ones with pockets full of Gil.[/color]” After a moment, Savayna sighed, knowing he was full of shit,“[color=lightblue]you did it on your own volition, didn’t you?[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]What? No, I could never--[/color]” Savayna simply looked at him, saying nothing. “[color=ed1c24]Okay, fine yes. I did it on my own. I wanted to see if I could get away with it.[/color]” Jaakuna scowled, finally admitting why he truly did it. “[color=lightblue]And did you?[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]It’s complicated.[/color]” “[color=lightblue]Uncomplicate it.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]I had it in my possession, but then I got caught by -- wouldn’t you know it? Wesley’s late papa.[/color]” “[color=lightblue]What happened?[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]What do you think? I was thrown in the dungeons and wasn’t let out until the next solstice.[/color]” “[color=lightblue]You could have just said that instead of beating around the bush.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]But this was more fun.[/color]” “[color=lightblue]Just tell me what’s the point of this story.[/color]” Savayna demanded exasperated “[color=ed1c24]The point, my dearest ex-wife, is that this place is beautiful, double goes for the inside.[/color]” Jaakuna shrugged as he heard Reia. He simply would keep his mouth shut from here on out, and go along with what she wanted. [hr] Wesley’s condition had been felt throughout the kingdom. As someone who was just as loved as he was respected among the nobles and common folk, it did something that no one had seen since the era of Queen Ashelia: a unity of the rich and poor. With the help of Old Dalan and the leaders of the noble houses, there had been vigils scheduled to show support for their king. Though most could do nothing but pray, they did so as much as they could. The temples that were thought long-abandoned were being crowded with people asking the gods to help their king as much as they could. All the while, in the Royal Palace of Rabanastre, Wesley has had several doctors come and investigate his condition on the order of the Queen Mother of Wesley, Isabelle. She didn’t know what else she did, so she would spend as much gil as it took to get the best doctors to Dalmasca. They ranged from medical doctors to psychological doctors. She even arranged for a Jarif shaman to see Wesley. She was desperate and she wanted nothing else but her son to open his eyes so that she could see his beautiful eyes again. She wanted to hear his voice again. She wanted to know that he was okay and that she could actually have good news for his fiance when she returns. She wanted all of that. And yet, after over a dozen doctors have went into his room, every one of them told her what she feared. “I’m sorry, your grace, but there’s nothing I can do.” They all said a variant of that. Additionally, they expressed how saddened they were to hear that their king, Wesley Henry Alexander, seemed to have no reaction to their various treatments. Even the Garif Shaman, who was said to be the best Jahara Shaman there was, couldn’t do anything. His condition was more complex and unlike anything that were in any books of known ailments. There was still one more healer waiting. A Viera by the name of Myrn. Originally, she sought out Aloa, but due to some unexplained reasons, Aloa wasn’t available, so she had who they called the second-best healer after Aloa. This Viera was her last chance. As she waited outside her son’s room, Isabelle's’ squire approached her. “My deepest apologies, your grace, I know you are eagerly waiting on our king’s recovery, but there’s a group of people in the main hall claiming to know you.” Isabelle looked at her squire. He was a [url=]young lad[/url]. The nephew of her late husband by marriage. He had been under her service ever since she made the decision to return to Dalmasca and resume her duties. “[color=orchid]Very well,[/color]” she bowed her head slightly to her squire as he led her to the main hall. It wasn’t a long journey. A simple series of turns and down one flight of stairs. Once there, the Queen Mother saw someone she immediately recognized. It was Nadeline. Upon further inspection, she saw a few others she knew. Of course, there was the rest of the Rozarrian royal family, Grant, Lorenzo, and the Empress, Reia. though she did notice that famed Archadian General Savayna Glacie was among them and the formerly-deemed traitor, now a hero, of Archadia, Jackson Darcone, though he did seem to prefer Jaakuna. Oh, and of course the always-cheery Emiri. Wesley had told his mother so much about this group of people. “[color=orchid]Welcome to Rabanastre. My son has told me so much about you all. As friends of my son, you are more than welcome here.[/color]“ Isabelle greeted her son’s friends went open arms and a warm smile, inviting them to take a seat in the highly decorative chairs in front of them. Jaakuna was the first to take her invitation, not at all shy about taking what was so obviously offered to him for free. “[color=ed1c24]Man, I forgot how dope this place was. Though I gotta be honest, Wesley never said how much of a babe his mother was.[/color]” And as if world war was declared, Jaakuna felt the glares through the back of his head. Maybe they were still mad at him for what he did to the lot of them getting to Dalmasca.