Olinda nodded to the man having no clue about how to feel about what had just transpired. She sighs softly relaxing when she felt the hair on her body relax not even realizing they were standing. Olinda rolls her shoulders and looks at the door she had created when the alarm sounded. No sooner did the screams of multiple emotions and Heidi wasn't it? She was right those mutants are mad. Of course they are! They were treated like monsters and lab rats! [i]Like your mom and almost like [b]YOU[/b][/i] Well that got deep quick. Olinda sighed and made her way to the exit not wanting to think of that when a Boy went to run out and almost ran into her door. She wanted to make a smart remark but paused when the big guy spoke to her. She smirks and nods,"This seems to be the easiest entry exam known to man,Guerrero." She says punching into the door gathering the concrete to reinforce her suit the different cracked part flying to the weaker more vulnerable parts. Onlinda hearing the cracks pushed the door down it crashing to with a big [i]bang[/i]. Stepping out she made her way to the hallway she looks at Cable,"What the next part Guerrero?" [@pyroman]