Rughoi slapped the dracon's hand away and growled at him in the most intimidating way a kobold could. Unfortunately, it came off as mostly a hiss, but he's quite sure he make his point. "Don't think our mutual enemy makes us friends," he said, and raised his shield. Already, the cage surrounding Merat was beginning to flicker, and some of the dracons responsible have taken to collapsing where they stand, snouts covered in blood. The slow sound of the kobold army making its inevitable advance brought Rughoi back into sharp focus. He looked back, to see the full force of the imperial legion a few hundred feet back, come to join their emperor in battle. Merat howled within his tiny domain. The rage inherent in such foul magic bubbled up within him and came out in an explosion. Limbs began growing out of him at an alarming rate, and soon, they began penetrating through the force wall imposed upon him to grab at soldiers and mages all around. Rughoi shouted his command and raised. The collective roar of the kobold infantry, breaking into a full charge, filled Rughoi's heart with pride. This is his chance to remove Merat forever.