[color=00a651][center][h3]Vadri Al[/h3][/center][/color] Glancing up from her work, Vadri smiled a little before quickly replacing the bullets she had been checking back into their mag, grabbing her helmet and rifle before heading out to the main table. She had always been an early riser, likely a habit from her 6 AM wakeup calls in the military, so she was already fully geared up and ready to go. It was also helpful that she rarely needed more that 3 hours sleep to be fully rested. As she came out, she gave a quick mental rundown of their group so far, the fact that they might not be there to see tomorrow a sad reality on this world. Loki, crazy and aggressive, likely was before this mess started and now it seems to have just gotten worse, she always going into fights smiling. As the rest of the crew gathered up, Vadri stayed in the back for now, watching. She was still rather new to the group, having only joined up recently, so she was still figuring out most of the people in the group. As the others began questioning about the job, she merely leaned back and gave a friendly nod to anyone that happened to glance over to her. She didn't see any reason to toss her voice into the mix, knowing that Loki would be explaining it anyway.