[center][h1]EXECUTE[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ytozL8X.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/4UNryQd.png[/img][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/mhf02b.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xp0eIcQ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/jw3F1O9.png[/img] [h2][color=palevioletred]Zoe[/color] | [color=f26522]Gregory[/color] | [color=a187be]Allison[/color] [color=cyan]Sander[/color] | [color=B0C4DE]Brent[/color][/h2] [sub]A Collab with [@Zombehs][@Lasrever][@VarionusNW][@RedDusk][/sub] [/center] [hider=𝕊𝕦𝕟: 𝕊𝕖𝕡𝕥. 𝟚𝟘, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝕎𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕥𝕠𝕟, 𝔻.ℂ. / / ℂ𝕚𝕥𝕪 / / ~𝟙𝟚𝟝𝟘] Finally reaching the others, Zoe wasn't sure how much she had left in her. Between the pain, the bleeding, and the constant temptation that accompanied the regulars' screaming, even the short climb to the fourth floor had felt like a monumental task. Still, she'd made it in one piece, pushing open the door just in time to see the concrete rain down on her teammates. Perhaps if she was in a better place, she would have waited to see if they were injured, but that was the last thing she wanted to know. Kadabra's sudden appearance was briefly reassuring, but it didn't seem like he was doing too much damage. She glanced back towards the others, looking for a second like she was about to lunge at them. [color=palevioletred][i]Can't hurt them. Don't lose it. The others can't kill the slime, they need you to kill the slime--[/i][/color] And that thought brought a strange clarity, like she was watching from somewhere else. Of course, [i]they needed her[/i] to kill the slime. Watching with a slight smile as their allies' projectiles were crushed, Zoe's voice took on an almost eerie calm as she approached their makeshift projectile, a stark contrast to the barely-restrained bloodlust from seconds before. [color=palevioletred]"Fire into the nearest veins. I can keep affecting it from there, and anything else'll get crushed."[/color] No, not just calm. Predatory. [color=palevioletred]"Can't afford to take our time anymore."[/color] Concrete shattered upon the spotter team as the situation devolved further, stone shards striking Brent's back and helmet as he turned away from the sudden telekinetic explosion of Kadabra. Of course the Precursor would focus his attention here, now that the ice giant was gone. Of course the crusher mage was now soaking themself in the slime, using it as an omnidirectional shield. Of course the slime could scramble its own organs like fucking nothing. Of course it could increase density too, making it all the tougher to punch through, while turning their five stories of safety useless, as the slime grew taller and taller. His helmet, at least, saved him from getting knocked out by an errant piece of rubble. Head snapping to the side, Brent stumbled away from the edge of the wall, shaking the stars out of his vision. Zoe had appeared during that hailstorm, and, thoughts still occupied by the maelstrom of events that were happening all at once, the arbiter didn't have any time at all to be wondering about her mental state. Her words made sense and she wasn't trying to kill them yet. That's all that mattered. [color=B0C4DE]"Crusher will definitely counter once the spear is fired,"[/color] Brent said, pulling out a handgun, [color=B0C4DE]"I'll put him down, or, at least, distract him."[/color] Distract him long enough, perhaps, that Kadabra could fully bury that bastard in a moment of weakness. [color=B0C4DE]"Allison, can you seal their powers?"[/color] [color=a187be]"I..."[/color] Allison hesitated for a moment. It wasn't exactly a good idea, but stabbing the slime was better than nothing. Plus is would do more to sate Allison's stigma than cutting a wall or some cords. If it worked, Allison would probably be out cold, which was better than dead. She had to do it. So much for avoiding reckless actions. [color=a187be]"Yes. I can do it."[/color] Brent met Allison's gaze, holding it for a moment, trying to tell how much of what she said was confidence and how much of it was due to appeasement. He never really was good at judging moods though, nor was he skilled at reading faces. Ultimately, it came down to trust, and the arbiter averted his gaze towards the pulsating slime that edged ever closer to their location. Trust that Allison's maneveur actually had some beneficial value. Trust that Gregory's aim was true. Trust that Zoe remained in control and picked her targets well even amidst the mind-numbing sadism of the stigma. His finger pressed hard against the side of his gun. [color=B0C4DE]"Gregory, set up your shot. You'll be the one to do the countdown. Allison, activate your sword when he calls it. Zoe, do what you can. I'll be firing immediately afterwards."[/color] The ideal situation was that both the slime and the crusher were killed within seconds of each other, no counterattack possible. But nothing worked out well when he was involved. [color=B0C4DE]"If the crusher is up but the slime is dead, we run. Separate directions. Sander can take care of him. If the slime is up and the crusher is dead, we're fine. If both are still up, we're basically fucked."[/color] [color=B0C4DE]"So yeah, Grego, aim well."[/color] Brent smiled, though his tone took a sarcastic shift. [color=B0C4DE]"No pressure."[/color] Great... He'd have liked to just bail when Kadabra showed up and started tearing the city block to pieces, but he didn't imagine getting far on his own. Now Chris and Sander had thrown themselves into the slime to be dissolved as well, and while he didn't particularly care about either of them, their value as Subnaturals were somewhere between mountains and the sky above his own. Grinding his teeth together as he tossed the projectile up once, Gregory shook his head, and flipped Brent off. [color=f26522]"Yeah, thanks. All of you might want to get away from me. And if it doesn't go deep enough, slash the slime."[/color] He couldn't really call the timing when he had no idea what the effect might be. Giving the others a few moments to back off, Gregory pulled and felt the unused power respond as the projectile suspended itself in the air. Wincing at the glow it gave off and hoping neither slime nor crusher noticed, he left a line behind him as he ran, flicking it slightly to the right just at the end to readjust his aim and hopefully send it accurately into the slime. Keeping his head low as the projectile flew overhead, he could only hope that by some miracle it was enough. Cause it damn well needed one. Fuck, would it kill that tranny to listen for once? The gun in Brent's hand writhed like a living thing as silver circuitry consumed it, transformed it as quickly as possible. From an explosion of individual parts to the scalding wind to the tortured screeches, the arbiter gave up on the idea of stealth as he approached the edge, one step away from the gelatinous mass of the slime monster. In his hands was a railgun, gunmetal black with electric blue highlights, overclocked for the devastating speed and destructive force. It was going to hurt, regardless of the fact that no gunpowder was involved. In his mind's eye, he could already imagine the gun melting away after the first and only shot, burning the skin off his finger. But it was fine. If the crusher died, they lived. Sacrificing a hand or two was fine. Sights centered, Brent fired and prayed his classmates followed up. The moment she felt the projectile make contact with the creature, Zoe's expression changed into something close to ecstacy. The wait was finally over. It had been a good effort, making it this far, but to tell the truth she was long gone. Worse, there was a sick kind of intelligence that had allowed her to wait for this long. if she couldn't kill this thing, if the connection was lost for any reason... Well, the way she saw it they couldn't really afford to take her out. They were in danger here, and some of them didn't need to be. Already knew they wouldn't just leave on her say-so, and instead of trying to talk things out she simply reached out her power towards Allison and Gregory. The skin on their arms, shoulders, backs, slowly beginning to break down. There wouldn't be any serious damage - she was keeping it to the surface this time - but they didn't have to know that. [color=palevioletred]"You guys really should get going."[/color] Almost conversational. [color=palevioletred]"It's dangerous up here."[/color] A part of her realised how warped this protective instinct was, but if they couldn't win the fight then she wanted to minimise casualties. Allison and Greg weren't needed to finish this, and if they stuck around they'd be just as likely to die. Zoe was trying to look out for them in her own fucked-up way, but that wouldn't really be apparent as the girl turned back to the slime and started stretching her powers towards its heart. Allison didn't hear Zoe's horrifying warning, she barely even felt her flesh beginning to rot away. Instead, her focus remained on the monster and the massive blade that suddenly appeared in her hand. There was no turning back. Allison had summoned the shard to be as long as she could get it and threw her arm forward to deliver the weapon to the blob. Meanwhile, Sander was staring blankly at the distance shape of his target, just as the slime pulled him deeper into his death. His lungs burnt, and for once, it wasn’t the intoxicating fire of his power. This was death. He was [i]dying[/i]. What did she say, before? [i]Be careful what you wish for. Because you just might get it.[/i] Sander took another moment to choke on the irony of his situation, before that line of thought was cut completely. He began flailing again, this time less out of murderous intents and more of desperate instincts, His vision blurred, and the fire in his chest flared brightly, warning. And waning. It didn’t want to die. Curiously, neither did he. No. He wouldn’t die. He didn’t want to. Christmas was waiting for him somewhere above the surface. He needed to come back. He would. Sander closed his eyes then, and for the first time since he left the Facility, he lost himself fully. The fire crackled in its victory. The blood mage began to tear his way up, mouth opened in a soundless snarl. His red eyes was set on the crusher mage again, and he didn’t intend to hold back this time. [/hider]