A short distance from the ruins, Morgan knelt in his ethereal form, his eyes set on the ruined church. He had shifted immediately after escaping the cell, a habit formed a long time ago, and had just begun planning his rescue mission. [i]Huh. This complicates things...[/i] His plan failed before it began due to a minor issue he failed to notice on his way out. He knew nothing of the structure of the ruins, and his guns were missing. Mentally berating himself for overlooking such it, he glanced over at the ruins, weighing his options. [i]Let's see... A frontal assault is impossible, even under normal circumstances. I could check back on the cells, I give those two at least a 50% chance of breaking out by now, but at the same time, the likelihood of me being discovered is rather high. On the other hand, I could head out and see if there's an help in the region, but the chances of that working are almost nonexistent, and there's probably more of those guys around here.[/i] Looking around him, Morgan quickly shifted back to normal, then reverting back after a second. [i]No one in the immediate vicinity, at least.[/i] Stared at the ruin for a few more seconds Morgan sighed to himself before creeping toward the back of the building. [i]At the very least I probably need to acquire a weapon for myself. I'll worry about the breakout after that.[/i]