Chaos. That would be the one way to describe Sidney's dreams. Unfortunately, it wasn't the type of chaos she reveled in. No, her dreams were that of abstraction; pure chaos with no pattern. Each second would bring forth a new image, only to be forgotten when the next had appeared. All of it lead to one thing: feeling like you had to puke every time you woke up. It would be a good thing that Sidney could sleep through her brain's bedlam and preferably wake up when her mind settled on less sickening flashes. Or so she thought. [b][color=f7941d]"Wake up you lazy bunch. We've got work to do! You have 5 minutes to get ready for briefing,"[/color][/b] the words had rang out, breaking her nauseating trance. [color=537056][b]"Eat my ass,"[/b][/color] Sidney had managed to instantly rattle out. After a brief moment of nothing, Sidney quickly popped up from her pile of old clothing - which had acted as both mattress and blanket - and grabbed a small metal bucket. She quickly sank her head into the cold pit and waited for whatever would spill out. Thankfully, last night's dinner had been seated firmly inside the depths of her innards. Nothing would be coming out on this auspicious day. Rather quickly, Sidney tossed the bucket aside, letting its clanging bounces add to the noise of everyone waking up. By the time Sidney began to process what was going on, it became apparent that she would be one of the last ones to get up. [color=537056][b]"Fuck all, I didn't even drink and I feel like the worst one here,"[/b][/color] she said as she ascended from her sleeping pile. She began to slowly shuffle to the briefing table as she tried her hardest not to spew on the floor. [color=537056][b]"Explain what this is about before last night's dinner makes a surprise comeback. Please."[/b][/color] Greetings would have to be later. Right now, Sidney was trying her hardest to not to ruin everyone's morning.