“Permission granted.” Silvarae seemed fine. A bit dazed, yes, but she was aware of her surroundings, and acting...well, like herself. Seeing how long it had taken for her to leave her earlier trances, it was simply astonishing to watch. And, from Clifton’s reaction upon his appearance, Madison wasn’t alone in his fascination. “Of course,” he smiled. “I would hate to miss out on an opportunity to get to know our new recruits.” It was only after both Maeve and Silvarae had turned their backs that he mouthed “later”, tapping the spot on his hand where the Algiz rune was currently lying on someone else. It was something that he would have to put into Miss Kaizen’s files as soon as the opportunity rose, among other things. Madison followed the others in, following the path to the training room with the surety that came from years of navigating the halls, when he suddenly paused mid-step. Miss Veil was on her way to training- nothing too brow-raising, but what [i]was[/i] was the giant sword she carried on her back. Larger than the woman herself. Of course, given the fact that she was the rune of Uruz, it wasn’t too surprising that she could manage such a...sizable weapon, but it came as a bit of a shock to see her toting one about so casually. Shaking the thought off, Madison smiled back at the woman and entered the training room, then went to stand by the far side of the room. He would introduce himself, he mused, when enough people had entered the gymnasium. Or when someone asked him who he was. Whichever came first. For now, however, he was content to wait and watch the Runes in action. [@ScoundrelQueen][@Kuroakuma][@Daemanis][@LorelleQuips] [hr] Right, down two flights of steps, at the end of the hall. Like the rest of her teammates, Dawn didn’t find herself heading directly to the training hall upon dismissal. Instead, she made a beeline for her room, taking note of the location of the hall along the way. She already had some gym clothes stashed away in her drawers, so it seemed more reasonable to get changed there, grab whatever else she felt she might need, then hurry back as soon as possible. If she were to be honest with herself, a part of her was somewhat worried that it wouldn’t just be plain old “one size fits all” outfits that would be offered if she showed up without her own. Dawn had an odd sense of foreboding that there would be a little cranny with an outfit that fit her perfectly, as if the Blessed had taken her exact measurements without her knowledge. Perhaps it was an absurd notion, and perhaps the worst that would await her if she looked would just be some misfitting shorts and floppy grey tees, but the idea made her uncomfortable regardless. Dawn swapped out her skirt and cardigan for a plain black shirt and jeans, but kept the purse as she jogged out and back down the stairwells. While a somewhat odd choice for “training gear”, the purse held her gun, and it didn’t seem unreasonable to bring her weapon along if Zero was toting swords to and fro. If needed, she could just put it over a chair or something, out of the way. The training hall itself was reminiscent of a classical gymnasium in some aspects, a shooting range in others, and a performance stage in the giant, empty, raised space off to the side. There were flesh-colored dummies propped up against a far wall, along with racks of training swords, guns, knives, and whatever type of weaponry one might desire. There were weights, a small wrestling ring, punching bags… It was a lot, and Dawn found herself feeling slightly overwhelmed. The feeling only intensified upon catching sight of one of her teammates toting a sword large enough to make most pro wrestlers feel faint. Seeing as most of the other Runes had filed in (along with a few other presumable members of the staff here and there), Dawn made her way over to Amity, loosening her hair and retying it back up into a neat ponytail. “That’s quite the sword you’ve got,” she commented. “It suits you, I think.” The craftsmanship was rather incredible- Dawn’s eyes swept along it from blade to hilt, taking in the work put to well use. The size had been surprising. The wear and tear of it wasn’t. Dawn glanced about, hand on her neck. While her new outfit had sleeves, they were a bit shorter than her blouse’s, allowing a portion of her rune to show as she moved. “Where’s Makorai?” If they were meant to train as a team, then it would likely be better for all of them to be in one place before they began. And at the moment, there was no sign of the Ansuz rune. [@Kuroakuma]