[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/sword-art-online-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170806/9bd522904fe8a029ff00e60b960b1368.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] By the time the hall was organized, Sina was exhausted. Her and the other committee members were busy with the attempt to organize the students on their way to the teachers. It was a good thing that Rufie, the actual student council president, arrived. It was unfortunate about the shape she was in, but Sina was too busy with the mess that Dana caused to take any note of it. When the chaos ended, Sina did catch her room number and her new roommate's name, but there was something else that caught her eye as everything settled down. Tilia Fitzgerald. Sina only had minute interactions with her before, and none of them were good. What was worse was Sina saw the girl pull down another's fly! While Sina was amused on the inside with her lewd behavior, such behavior was still unacceptable. Quickly, Sina took out a slip of paper from her handbook, colored yellow, and wrote on the slip of Tilia's indecent acts. Two copies would be made and Tilia would receive one while the other would go on top of the most likely overflowing paperwork pile the committee had. While yellow stood as a warning and would have no consequences attached, perhaps it will shake the girl. After Sina wrote the warning, she went toward Tilia and grabbed her shoulder with a loud cough as the girl waited in line, holding the slip of paper right in front of her. [color=DC3030]"You are very lucky this is the first day."[/color] Sina said with a heavy Germanian accent. [color=DC3030]"Next time I catch you committing an indecent act, the slip of paper will not be yellow."[/color] With her warning set in stone, Sina continued her duties until she herself could retrieve her room number. [hr] [center][color=DC3030]Midday....[/color][/center] Lunch soon came, and with that Sina's surprise that the rest of the day was so far without a hitch besides the opening day's paperwork in the discipline committee's room. But the Germanian girl would not count on there not being any more trouble considering what happened this morning. She could not help but admire the structure, and the air, of the dining hall yet again. Everything was bright and the girls all seemed to be having a good time. The notice board also seemed to be filled already, but Sina did not read it yet. She was more preoccupied with acquiring food, with all of the food offered by the academy richer and tastier than any of the food she had back home on top of Sina's hunger. Taking a tray, Sina looked for a seat and spotted a blue haired girl and immediately thought of how she looked to be of highborn status with a bit of a reminder of looking at pictures of ice from the Nordlands. Sina pondered for a moment before she remembered who the girl was. [color=DC3030]Oh, she is Riviathan. She is from my grade.[/color] Sina decided to make her way over to the Nordland woman, careful not to bump into anyone on the way. [color=DC3030]"Mind if I sit with you?"[/color] Sina politely asked Riviathan as she put down her tray, but was prepared to move it if the girl declined her offer.