[quote=@Burning Kitty] https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/08/19/bioware-confirms-mass-effect-andromeda-will-recieve-no-single-player-updates/ Another game developer I will never support again. [/quote]Given the shitstorm surrounding the game, I'm not surprised. Sure, they made some bad decisions (Manveer, for start), but the only criticism I heard was always "It has ugly face animations." Granted, I never played the game, but I didn't notice any other major problems. Meanwhile, Ghost Recon Wildlands became the top selling game of 2017 despite only having one good thing about it in my opinion. Poor Tom Clancy is spinning in his grave like a dynamo. Sadly, we live in a world where decent or good games often go unnoticed while trash lives on solely because it's made by Ubi.