Chiyaki was thankful that no one approached him, nor did he appear to get any lasting looks from the other classmates who saw his little spaz moment in homeroom. Most of the day went by with no problem, classes were introductory but he didn't feel like he was making an impression so far. Then again, being below the radar was better than popping up in a negative way. That said, he really hoped his little spaz out moment in homeroom wouldn't stick. Despite his concern for his eyes, he did notice others who appeared funkier than he did. But among them though he noticed a girl in his class who seemed to have a number of scars on her face. He kinda wished he could've approached her. But what would he have said though? If she was like him in anyway, she too would feel quite apprehensive about her appearance and could be weary of anyone who suddenly approached and talked to her. He would give it a day or two to workshop this. For now history class needed attention. As well as the question of why everything was so quiet all of a sudden. As Chiyaki looked up from his notes, he saw the teacher standing still with his mouth open as though he were in the middle of talking. In fact, everyone else looked like they were dead still in the middle of what they were doing! It's as if reality hit the pause button and Chiyaki was the only glitch. Upon this realization he heard a loud unnatural noise and looked out the window. He saw what looked like a portal straight out of one of his favorite sci-fi shows and what appeared to be demons coming out. Initially he panicked not knowing what was going on or what to do until he saw two individuals who appeared to be fighting the demons. One appeared to be an archer sniping them left and right. The other was a straight up golden Knight killing his foes with the classic sword and shield. As afraid as he was, Chiyaki felt compelled to go down and watch. He made his way out of the classroom and saw everyone else frozen too. There had to be some kind of magic going on and he had to find out why he was unaffected. Nearing the exit door he felt a strange sensation all around him. He suddenly felt a bit heavier then realized his clothes had changed! He wasn't wearing his school uniform anymore, but what appeared to be a black armored short hooded coat. His left arm sleeve had a pauldron stitched to the shoulder and both sleeves were rolled up. His left forearm was covered by a metal clawed gauntlet, his legs were covered in metal greaves and he wore a fingerless, leather glove with metal knuckles. Also within his right hand he found a whip, like the one from the series he watched! What was happening? Was this some sort of fever dream? Was he asleep in class? He had no time to ponder further as he arrived outside. The two he saw earlier were in the middle of battle, but a few stray demons noticed him and began to charge. Chiyaki caught off guard went into a fight or flight response, but time seemed to slow down for him. In fact, more than that changed. Suddenly his world turned gray and he could see spots on the demons, highlighted areas of their bodies; shoulders, knee joints, heads, eyeballs. Then by instinct, Chiyaki snapped his right wrist that held the whip and he began to hit these targeted spots almost without effort. A couple of the demons fell over in pain, others burst into ash. When the world seemed to move regularly again and normal color returned it occurred to Chiyaki what he just did. He began to actively focus on his actions, but with more purpose in order to summon this new power. His world slowed down and his perception changed again showing his enemies' weakspots. Chiyaki, in control this time, decided to take them out with a bit more style, lashing at at them and even grabbing one to toss into another. The gauntlet came in handy to pull a complicated maneuver where he had part of the whip swing around his hand for leverage and relinquish more power at the snap. When he dispatched this group Chiyaki felt weaker as he came out of his powered state. "Oh no, is this what happens when I focus like this?" Whatever this new power was, he observed that it sapped his strength. He had to stop using this power and rely on his tactics. Though he never held a whip before today, somehow the techniques that didn't require too much strength from him came to him naturally and helped him to conserve his energy and keep the demons at bay. Whenever a demon got close Chiyaki lifted his gauntlet hand and the demons were somehow repelled automatically, as if pushed back by some unseen force that emanated from the gauntlet. This emboldened Chiyaki to rush in, grab them with said gauntlet hand and set them up for a flurry of combo attacks with his whip. If this was indeed some sort of fever dream, he was going to enjoy it to its fullest. He took out his headphones which were still on him, activated his mp3 player, and lashed away to the sounds of heavy metal.