Izzy frowned at Riley’s pleasant, yet mocking laugh, then looked to Holden uncertainty, watching for any signs of hostility in him at the action. Not that she thought she could do much if he actually did brandish a knife or other weapon he had not handed over. She listened and watched the two exchange words, glancing around once at the prospect of gods being everywhere. “Huh?” She looked to Riley at her name, expecting him to use her in a mocking example, but she caught no such derision. [i]Well, not exactly what happened, but…[/i] Her thought cut off when his voice changed to a near snarl. She shuddered. It had been so long since she had been on the receiving end of that, since she had first met him, she had forgotten how intimidating and exactly how infuriating he could be when he wanted. She blinked in surprise at Holden’s reaction, and could only stare at him. He would stop, just like that? She shook her head lightly, the two leaving her time only to listen once more. “He’ll help you help yourself,” she elaborated after Riley’s denial of helping Holden. At Riley’s statement about it being the wrong time, her shoulders sunk with an inward groan at the thought of having to ride back with Holden only to return again, then smirked at Holden’s correct guess that Riley did not work for free. When Riley looked to her, she automatically returned his gaze. Her brows rose in an unspoken, “What? Don’t bring [i]me[/i] into this.” She glared at him for a short second at the price he gave, before sighing; after all, vampires were messy business, while apparently, as he made it sound, the Crab was a bit more passive, less dangerous. “Alright, Complainy McComplainerson,” Izzy said to Holden through a sigh once the two had come to a solid agreement. She stepped slowly toward the door. “Let’s get you home, shall we?”