Name: Dalvorin Silvershield Age: 57 Gender: Male Race: Dwarf Appearance: [hider=Dalvorin][img=][/hider] Profession: Smith / "Magicsmith" Personality: Proud of his work and respects that of others. Tends to be somewhat reserved, but is often fairly kind. Does not usually take insults or the like well, but has tolerance for them and for others' stupidity. Meditates to clear his mind. Equipment/Weapons: A set of personally crafted plate armor, laced with light pyromancy runes. His helmet is also of dwarven craft, but holds the runes of frost and clarity, a gift from his elder brother. His weapon of choice is an axe with heavier pyromancy runes, which alight the blade in blazing glory in combat. However, he prefers to leave this equipment to the side, to avoid both alteration to his public image and theft. Abilities: Pyromancy / "Pyrosmithing", meditation, notable combat skills. Brief Backstory: A member of the proud Silvershields, Dalvorin was the second son to Bolric, the head Smith of the Silvershields, the Chief Silversmith. He and his elder brother, Revin, were taken into the smithing work. In his training of smithing, Dalvorin discovered his uncanny ability to perfect any flame in the forge, and shortly discovered that he could avoid burning in the flame. This ability was quickly taken note of, as Dalvorin was swiftly sent on his way to a teacher of the flame, to harness his power, while Revin remained as apprentice to their father. For some years, Dalvorin remained student to a Pyromancer, Gwyn, and learned to channel the flame. However, he felt lacking without a forge, and could never focus on his magic, nor could he find the aptitude for it. After some few years under his teacher, he recieved word from his brother that their father had passed, and he made quick preparation to return home. Upon his return, he was welcomed by Revin, though his joy was sorrowful, as he had been named Chief Silversmith in Bolric's stead. With admittedly grudging respect, Dalvorin resumed his place as an apprentice smith, now under his brother's wing. With the forge before him once more, he found himself much more in-tune with his flame and with the forge, and it was he who first discovered, almost by accident, the method of infusing magic within the forged metals, crafting Pyromancy runes he had learned within a simple blade he had worked on. He shared his work with his brother, and soon the term of Magicsmith, or Magesmith, became a common term among the Silvershield. Harnessing his flame, Dalvorin eventually found himself drawn to more open civilization, and set off to the renowned city of Karstberg. As a parting gift, Revin bestowed a personally crafted helm unto him. Dalvorin quickly made his name known and affirmed a place within the Market District, with his work being popularly known all around, but more as a rumor than a fact. He holds particular value with the Academy, being able to assist in the crafting of nearly any magical metal given the knowledge, though he remains fondest of his finally perfected Pyromancy and Pyrosmithing [i]Pyromancy[/i] - Put simply, Fire Magic. One channels fire, often from an "inner flame", or from an active source. [i]Pyrosmithing[/i] - The method of channeling Pyromancy into ones smithing. This is often done by tending the flame with the magic and burnishing the metal with a constant magical flame. [i]Magicsmith or Magesmith[/i] - The smithing method of empowering metal with an embodiment of magic. In order to do this, the smith must craft runes of a magic into the metal and must understand them atleast slightly. This often, but not always, limits Magesmithing to actual wielders of the magic. Well, that took longer than I thought. Hope that works out.