With that, the two left the abandoned school and headed back to Holden's home. He apparently lived quite a ways from Izzy, as she had barely ever been in the part of town in which he lived. Unlike on the ride there, he barely spoke except to give her directions to where he lived. It was most likely that something Riley had said to him was affecting him, or he was otherwise in rumination over something. They soon enough reached what Holden had declared to be his home, and it was... an apartment complex. Not a particularly nice one, either. It looked at least thirty years old, and there was a row of tin mailboxes lined up outside of it. A far cry from the mansion he was rumored to live in. Izzy's surprise must have shown on her face, as without prompting Holden said, "My mother joined a cult. She handed all of our money over to them, and racked up a huge debt, too. My parents finally got divorced last year, my father got custody, and we live here. I do, anyway. All the debt is in my father's name, so he works day and night. I basically live alone, which can be convenient I suppose." Without another word Izzy locked up her bike and they climbed the steps to his apartment. It had one bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchenette that seemed almost grudgingly included. The roll-out couch that Holden presumably slept in took up the majority of the living room, along with a chest of drawers, a sort of desk one set over their lap, and a little bookshelf. A thousand dollars hadn't seemed like much to Izzy, compared to her own debt, but it was probably quite a bit to Holden. Holden wordlessly stepped into the bathroom, and the sound of running water soon followed. Izzy couldn't help but notice that he didn't take any clothes in with him. Was it possible that despite his intelligence and his insight that he was a bit scatterbrained? It wouldn't be surprising if he had a lot on his mind. Even so, that left Izzy alone in the cramped room with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company.