Speaking as a 'run-o-the-mill' member of the Guild who is obviously not "in" on whatever shenanigans Mahz and the moderating team have been dealing with over this summer (or this huge debate that has apparently been taking place); I've seen nothing so broken that it requires fixing by creating a whole new layer of RPGuild Staff. The site works very well as far as its intended purpose is concerned. If there have ever been problems in my experience, it has never been with staff - who have been altogether courteous and forthcoming whenever I have had need to contact them. I've certainly never been banned, and no one I know has been banned whether on the new guild or the old - which to me only says that there clearly isn't a group of madmods banning people at random. I doubt most members I am in consistent contact with on the site are even aware of this "issue" or are all that bothered about it. If this goes ahead and some kind of vote or whatnot is implemented, I would obviously [i]try[/i] to be a voting member just out of principle - but not out of any conviction that whatever this is is worth the fuss. Would probably not bother after a while. That's my fifty pence. I feel liberated having participated in this debate of great importance. That's the only bit of civic participation yer gettin from me >.>