[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170820/ff812e1f81c3bee753581f6d18e93fde.png[/img] ~ [i]Nervous Anticipation[/i] ~ [i]24 Units Remaining[/i] [/center] Olympia had been quiet the whole journey. It had never once crossed her mind in the time she had been under Ayondale's tutorage that anyone would make a move against him, let alone that she would get to be one of the larger parts of said movement. She knew what she thought was right. Arieh one day would have to pay for his cruelty and crimes. Why shouldn't it be by his own student's hands that that punishment be gifted? But still, this went completely against her nature. Oly had never been the confident type. Unlike Marcus, she was used to second guessing her every action and going back on decisions she thought she was set on. And unlike Marcus she was [i]far[/i] from being powerful. In her head she would have no value in this fight. She would hide behind her Servant every battle, let them do all the heavy lifting while she watched almost entirely from the sidelines. If he brother had planned on striking out against Ayondale, it would be precise, alone, and lethal. He would never fight in a group such as this. Which is why she didn't say anything about leaving. Marcus would want to help, since that was his obligation as a brother, but it wasn't his fight. He had no reason to be there. He was a prodigy in Runic Magic, and Professors adored him. His place was on a battle field, sure, but not this one. Every day after classes were over, he would visit her. By now he would have found the note she had left, called their parents, and people from the Clocktower, but to no avail. After that, while she had no guarantee, it was highly likely that he would leave her to to whatever she had set out to do. She had requested he not interfere. With a single sentence, she had removed his obligation to help. It sounded heartless, but Oly was used to it. He wasn't was man without empathy nor feelings, but he refused to get involved unless it was necessary. In any case his studies and his research were much more important than her life. That, if nothing else, she knew to be true. She sighed, and looked up at the moonlit sky from the castle courtyard. It wasn't like she wanted to die or anything, but she probably would do in this battle. In time before getting the plane to Scotland, she had done what research she could on the Holy Grail War. It was a brutal competition of heroes of myth and legend alike battling to the death for the quintessential ultimate prize - a vessel that could grant any wish. What would a man like Ayondale do with such an artefact? Since he was a Mage, would he use it to gain access to the Akashic Records? Or would he use it to gain mastery of the five Magics, perhaps? To think... A man of such selfishness and cruelty coming to possess something with nigh omnipotent wish granting capabilitues. That was an eventuality that could no be allowed to come to pass, by any means. Her thoughts were broken as Albert began his speech. She listened carefully, taking rapid and shallow breaths in her anxiety. The moment was finally upon them... They were to summon their servants, and from thenceforth it would be a battle of life and death between the man they once called their Professor, his associates, and the others he had planned to become Masters. Arieh Ayondale... He would kill them all, wouldn't he? For interfering in his plans, he would make sure they never saw light again. At least... He would do if he got the chance. That's why they weren't going to give him the chance, right? They had already put an end to his Holy Grail War, since everyone was summoning their Servants. He would come after them, she had no doubt; him and his Mage comrades. But they had Servants on their side. What could Ayondale's men do against them? Oly only hoped they wouldn't have to [i]kill[/i] anyone... With Albert's speech concluded, Olympia fished from inside her bag a small wooden box. She opened it carefully, and gently pulled aside the protective material and bubble wrap that filled it. Inside, underneath all of the wrapping, was a set of petrified feathers, joined together with wax. She lifted then from the box, and made her way back to the rest of the Masters, in preparation for the summoning ceremony. There was no turning back now.