[@ZayZe] Lisa woke up bright and early on a sunny summer day. Today, after a couple days of traveling, she would finally arrive at the manor she was to work at. She threw on the nicest dress she had brought along and braided her hair. Looking at herself in the mirror, she thought she looked presentable. She was filled with nervous excitement as she marched out of the inn she had stayed at through the night and began to walk the last few miles to Studwick's manor. [Hider=Dress] [img]https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=65675340[/img] [/Hider] She was thrilled to start her new life. After being cooped up indoors with no company other than her strict mother for 20 years, she finally was going to put herself to good use and work as a servant. Sure, it wasn't the most exciting job in the world, but it certainly was a start. It would allow her to create friendships and improve her housekeeping abilities. As soon as she saved up enough money to attend university, she would be able to quit. Hopefully she wouldn't despise her time spent at the manor, but on the flip side it was best to not get too attached. For the time being, her mind was set on her aspirations, not her relationships. Lisa happily strolled through a prairie. A few horse drawn carriages passed by her, and she would always give a polite nod to the coachman. Things took a turn for the worse when dark clouds suddenly filled the sky. She was only about a mile and a half from the house, so she decided to make a run for it. However, it was too late. Rain started pouring on her at a rapid pace soon after she began running. Lisa held her small bag that contained her belongings over her head and resorted to walking again. Better to show up only wet than wet and sweaty, she figured. Thunder began crackling overhead as she made her way up the steps of the manor. She was soaking wet. [i] The weather was so perfect the past couple days, why couldn't it have lasted one more?[/i] She wondered as she knocked on the wide, wooden doors.