Rachel jumped up when the voice hit her ears; it was startling, but it was just one of those games they played. It was a little jump scare but Rachel was soothed all the same; it was only Peri, the other of the twins, and Peri was always a welcome sight. So it was playtime again, and this time they had a much larger area to play in; it was much easier when they played inside the room, but now they had an entire hallway! Maybe even more than that! Rachel was nothing if not excited at the prospect to play hide and seek like she did when she was younger, when her whole house and backyard were up for grabs when it came time to hide. "I always count!" Rachel protested, mildly, her smile suggesting she wasn't actually upset by this. Rachel was guided down the hall by Peri, her steps light and swift, practically a jog; the adrenaline of her excitement was what saw her being swept up in the rhythms being set by Peri. "You better not cheat! It's not fair otherwise." In times like these, Rachel felt like her old self again. She felt happy. These were her friends and they were playing together as friends should. "Okay, okay, I'm gonna count to thirty!" Rachel brought her hands up to her eyes, covering them and closing them both. "One...two...three..." she began, counting upwards, eager to begin the fun once more.