[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v8m9h8B.png[/img][/center] Sophia’s eyes had been watching the child’s vis, waiting for some sort of attack. However, a movement in the corner of her vision caused her to turn her head. Time seemed to slow down before her as she watched the woman that Kaelia had been fighting was now headed in her direction. [i]Great. Fucking fantastic.[/i] With a huff of irritation, she moved quite a bit of vis down to her legs, just as dust rose up around them. Aside from a small cough, the dust didn’t do much to impair her, her vis sight allowing her to track the two people headed in her direction solely based on their vis. The little girl was fast approaching, and so was the woman. With a steadying breath, Sophia crouched down, and then leapt up and back into the air about 20 feet. As she floated in the air, she used vis to keep herself up. She manifested her vis bow and three fire arrows, her right eye now glowing a bright yellow. She held the three arrows against the string of the bow, and drew back before letting them fly in the direction of her two assailants. Once they connected to either the women, or the ground, they would explode. She manifested three more arrows, and loosed them from the bow before creating a clear platform in the air to stand on instead of continuing to float. [hider=Current active abilities] Vis Sight - Passive, Always active Vis Shield - No damage sustained Vis Shaping - Used to make her bow, six arrows, and the platform she's now standing on. [/hider]