*Zeta nods, and continues leaning on her spear, slowly edging herself towards the kitchen door to peer out towards the door and see if she can see what's happening. Her movements are sluggish from her wounds, but she still has some bite left.* Zeta: Mhm. Gunshots and from what I can tell, people yelling. I don't really want to go any closer, but I really don't have a choice. I still owe Jill I guess. *She signs in resignation, then continues edging herself towards the fighting, eventually holding her spear normally instead of like a walking stick.* --- *Vaseraga, although he weighs like half a tonne, wouldn't really be able to do much if the centipede really wanted him off the ground, but he still tries his hardest. As a last ditch effort, he attempts snapping the centipede's neck with a punch to the underside of the head, but seeing as though it's an insect, it doesn't have a neck, and even if it did, the law of forces would mean he'd have to generate a helluva lot of force to break something that big.*