For half a moment, Darran felt as if he might actually be under attack by the... abhuman? He'd wholly admit he'd never seen an abhuman quite like this woman, who might even be a mutant... who had barely avoided knocking them both off their feet. To both their credits, they kept their feet, in the surgeon's case stepping to one side of the door in order to avoid another incident like that, but as the... "the woman", he decided upon for now, drew her coat closer to her body and began reloading her very large weapon, much larger than his own, he couldn't help but tilt his head. 'You're not seriously planning on [i]fighting[/i] the Arbites, are you?' he asked, perplexed but nothing close to concerned, and certainly not so much as his voice might imply. They were essentially the be-all end-all amongst the lower echelons of the Hive, after all, short of a very well-armed Spirer coming down to hunt some gangs; trying to kill them was surely suicidal. But, if she was that dead-set upon trying, he wasn't exactly going to try and stop her...