[quote=@ELGainsborough] Greetings, I wish I had seen this thread earlier. Quite frankly, I love world-building as a hobby. The maps, the history, the background, et cetera. So care to catch me up on what is going on and what we've concluded? [/quote] We haven't concluded much at the moment. Consensus seems to favor a world in which the gods are real, but are fickle and not infallible, inspired by Greco-Roman myth. I'm assuming their feuds will extend to and greatly shape the mortal world and influence the interactions between different peoples. I fear that such a black-and-white, 'our gods vs. your gods' outlook will make religion a more prominent factor than secular politics, limiting opportunity for political intrigue and games, if we desire it. Having an entire people beholden to particular gods might hamper their freedom of choice, limiting individual agency. Unless the gods don't care at all about mortal political or cultural divisions.