Prompto didn't believe in walking, not when he had something to look forward to. Unable to contain his excitement, he broke into a run, surpassing the others with ease. Grinning cockily, he looked over his shoulder. "See you slowpokes at the ranch!" Unfortunately, Prompto wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. At all. He'd just started to look forward again when out of nowhere, he crashed heavily into someone. Or someone had crashed into him. Everything had happened so fast that was impossible to tell. "Oof!" Hitting the ground with a thud, Prompto managed to thwack his head against the ground. The impact wasn't severe, although it was enough for him to blackout very briefly. As he lay completely motionless, he felt someone touch either side of his face. What was going on? He couldn't tell, and he didn't recognize the voice. "What...?" Eyes fluttering open, Prompto came to. Once the world came into focus, he was rather surprised to see a pretty young girl looking down at him. Their eyes locked, and his mind went blank. For a few seconds, Prompto merely stared at her in shock. He was unable to piece together what had happened, as he hadn't any visual before the collision. "W-whoa...sorry about that! I wasn't looking," he started to stammer out an apology of sorts, fearing that she'd been hurt. Using one arm, he propped himself up, his worry evident. "Are you okay?!"