[hider=Theresa Aldern] [b]Name:[/b] Theresa Aldern [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Library Assistant [b]Relationships:[/b] TBD [b]Abilities:[/b] -Theresa has learned well her ability to create ice. Granted, all she really knows how to do is to shoot out a smallish yet jagged shard of it, but she’s plenty aware of it, and she has practised it a few times. -Theresa has also learned of her ability to imbue certain objects with magical properties. She once managed to make a baseball bat that could freeze small areas where it struck. She’s much less confident with this ability, as she’s found she can’t reproduce it for anything, and has instead focused on her other currently known power. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://pre09.deviantart.net/3880/th/pre/i/2015/123/8/0/often_by_hannitee-d8rxyrg.png[/img] She is 165cm tall (5’5) and weighs 63kg (140lbs). [b]Personality:[/b] Until somewhat recently, Theresa had been a highly sheltered and introverted individual. She was the type that would rather shut up in her room than go out and meet people, primarily because people kindof scared her. The world was a hostile place to be feared, and she convinced herself she could have a happy life as long as she was far from the dangers it presented. On the off chance she had to encounter people, she would make the conversation as short as possible and try to leave. She always had a bright and inquisitive mind, and she still does, but she always preferred to learn from the safety of her own home rather than go out and experience things first hand. She has always had an interest in strange things, like occult works and histories of far off countries. After discovering her powers, however, Theresa underwent a rather radical shift in personality. Seemingly imbued with confidence upon learning of her apparently unique ability, Theresa began to fear the world less and less. She is now the type of person that would eagerly meet new people and visit the type of places the old Theresa would have freaked out at the notion of. Her inquisitiveness remained, only now she had the stones to actually go and see things with her own eyes rather than read about them on Wikipedia. She is now a rather showy person, enjoying the feeling of having expensive clothes and having people see her opulence. Of course, as much as her personality has changed, the old Theresa is still in there. If put under too much pressure, there’s a good chance her façade might crack and have her crawling back in her shell. While she might have a degree of confidence, she still likes to think carefully and not take too many chances. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Theresa’s early life is what ultimately defined her. Early on, Theresa’s love of unconventional subjects and lack of interest in more typical pastimes made her an obvious target for bullying. She never managed to assert herself with these types, and coupled with a mother all too eager to let her shelter herself, Theresa quickly developed into something of a recluse. She passed through her schooling with exceptionally few friends, with only her high grades to show for it. Even when she entered the work force, she took a job at a local library due to the fact that she wouldn’t have to deal with quite as many people, and those she did have to deal with had to be quiet about it. She was eager to get through life without putting herself in harm’s way. This all changed after that fever she had. More to the point, it changed after she realised the powers she had seemingly acquired since. Nothing could have fascinated her more than suddenly developing magical powers. As time passed, however, she came to a new conclusion; that if she were in possession of strange and mystical powers, why should she fear the world as she used to? Granted, she was far from invincible, and she had no intention of literally icing random strangers, but the feeling that she had this unique gift that others only dreamed of was a true game changer for her. She started to forget the old ideas that had bound her actions and instead began to indulge herself as she wanted to. She essentially became a completely changed person. It was rather easy to do so, as few people actually knew or remembered the introverted Theresa, and so many of those that do know her now only know her as the showy thrill seeker she has come to be. She still lives with her parents, but now she claims it’s because it’s cheap rather than avoiding the question out of shame and shyness. For now, the plan for Theresa is to find out more about her new powers and to build a new life for herself in Darkwell. [b]Other:[/b] [i]“There’s no point holding back; just let your hair down and have fun!”[/i] [/hider]