Just as Alexia finished speaking, in the brief moment of silence that usually lingered between a question and an answer the room was filled with the sound of a hologram forming next to Vice Admiral Genevieve. After a few seconds of somewhat bright light, the sound dissipated and a perfect hologram of Aris Foste took shape, one could barely notice the fact that she was just a hologram by sight. "Apologies for my tardiness Vice Admiral, I was making sure we did not accidentally get nuked from the inside out." She said to Genevieve, her tone expressing the experience of conversing with high ranking officials to the others in the room. "In regards to your question Sergeant Mio" The red-haired woman replied, looking over to the person in question, "I'm afraid your role, as well as the role of others in your field of experience, is to remain on standby until either necessary or until the threat has been eliminated. However, there is a planet in the system that will need to be investigated as well." Aris announced before gesturing to the central display which in turn presented a model of the planet in question. "Unfortunately, due to regulations, we cannot simply nuke the planet of life even if it is within our capabilities to do so unless we are cleared for it with sufficient reasoning. This is where you and many others similar to you, will be active. Similarly the Zhao, we have lost contact with the planet. If we are unable to reestablish communications with the planet upon entering into the system, ground forces will be sent to investigate. Rest assured, ground forces will be able to call in orbital fire support from the Yoshino, but be prepared for anything." Aris finished, hoping her answer would be sufficient enough to both Alexia and others who had similar questions.