[@Zaphias] [hider=Shine City Town Hall] Catherine Von Shine and her rich family founded Shine County In the 1800s, and although the bloodline of the family is no more. The beautiful Mansion they owned has stood the test of time and has been restored for public use as, [b]The Shine City Town Hall[/b]. Legendary Party Promoter and Co-Ordinator [b]Jacques Jonai[/b] has gotten permission from the City to begin holding City events here Including [i]The 1st Shine Masquerade Ball[/i] for the new year. [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/5040/f/2015/092/1/5/grand_stair_w_by_jakebowkett-d8o72dn.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuv7rJrIha4[/youtube] [/hider] Complete now with a theme-song! Also I'll be adding a new character [b]Jack Jonai[/b] as the events manager for the town hall!