Lisa listened to Studwick as he criticized her attire. [color=fff200]"...Yes, there was time to slip on something dry. It would have been a fast change but it was possible."[/color] Her shoulders slumped a bit, realizing that she should have done what her mother and everybody else would have expected of her. Yes, she was old enough to make her own decisions. But at the same time, she should have known better. It was only her third day away from her family and she already made a noticeable mistake. A faint blush painted her cheeks. She was embarrassed. [color=fff200]"My sincerest apologies, Sir. I realize why you disapprove of my attire and I... I agree. You will never spot me looking so disorderly again."[/color] She tucked a loose lock of hair back behind her ear and glanced over at the door. It was perhaps rude of her to desire to leave the room, but she didn't want to bother him any longer. The sooner she could leave, the sooner they could both forget about this incident and move on. [color=fff200]"Listen, I know we have not gotten off on the best foot, but I just want you to know that I've meant everything I've said. Everything. And even though I look like this, even though I don't know a [i]damn thing in this world besides what I managed to learn cooped up inside a dump[/i], I value this opportunity to be here. Even looking around this one single room takes my breath away. One day, I want to be content. Fully, undeniably, one hundred percent content. This is my first step to achieving that goal."[/color] As Lisa went on that little tangent, the blush faded away from her face and she regained her confidence. She sighed. [color=fff200]"..Pardon my language there, Sir. Will this be all?"[/color]