[@kingkonrad][@Celeste][@Monochromatic Rainbow] [Hider=Spoiler For Current Episode] Not going to lie, was a bit irritated at the death of that Dragon. Even with the Night King's magical spear and jazz, I felt like it was just a BS kill. Like, "Look at me, alt+F7+ctrl+Numpad 4 = God Mode and one hit kill." I wished he had wounded Viserion so that it couldn't be in the fight for a while, and instead they bring in the Ice Spiders or some other crazy mythical mount. Also, WTF is with only 7 damn episodes for the season and the next. I feel like it is being rushed. Now that my anger is gone, cool beans for J. Targ and D. Targ. Hopefully he can become a dragon rider too. Though, I certainly hope GRRM finishses the next book so we can read the better version and see what is going on. I wants three dragons and three riders, no twosies... threesies!!!!!! [/hider]