Standing on the lava ground, where once lies the body of the Horned Guard, the spirit was filled with nothing except for delight for its life. But instead of the massive body of the Guard, the little spirit found five small orbs. Suddenly a strange feeling urges it to eat it, to devour it before other of it kind. "Don't share it, just eat it" was the little spirit instincts final order before evolving into a great hunger. And for the little spirit, this hunger was even scarier compared to the Horned Guard Being a primitive being with almost no sense of control over its instinct, the little spirit sprint as fast as he could toward those orbs, even faster than before. The wind blows in the opposite direction of the little spirit, but it didn't care. The only goal for it was to reach those orbs. But when it reaches there, the number of the orbs had been reduced from more than a dozen to only the last five scattered on the ground. And so the little spirit rush to those orbs without caring about those new giants that exist out of nowhere Holding those orbs in its arms, the little spirit can feel its body rushing it to swallow. Slowly, the little spirit stretching its face, to reveal a small thin line across its mouth. But little spirit to small was too small compared to the orb that the spirit holds. So the spirit thinks of a way, it put both of its hand in its jaw and stretch it wide open. It was a painful process, fill with the sound of an animal being tortured to death. Although primitive, the little spirit was successful to put all those orbs in its mouth. With blood still flowing from the end of its jaw, the little spirit could felt there is something different happening in its body. It skin started to fade out, became something similar to the ground around it. It height increase, taller to compared to those new being that came out of nowhere. And with it, the rocky figure realize there is a bond between it and the earth, to the ground beneath it. And with it, a name came to its mind, Bal. Look around, Bal can see a metallic figure but smaller compared to Bal holding a stick, a female with a huge pair of ears compared to her body holding a ball, a faceless skinny figure, a monster of some sort, and a human with a skull on his head. But Bal notices another being that is far fiercer than him. It has big wings, skin covered by dark scales, lava coming from its mouth, and a huge tale. The being emerged its colossal body out of the lava to move to the ground, creating a huge impact on the earth with each time it walks. Lava that still remains on its back flow downward, creating many small streams flowing down on both sides of the creature. The creature started flapping its wing to fly while running forward to fill its mouth with a dozen spirits. For being like it, it is simply the strongest do what it wants. But for Bal, even though his intelligent has not increased significantly, he was angered by this flying lizard's action for killing the weaker. Although lacking vocal chord, Bal still creates a loud noise in his throat, sending a challenge against the new monster.