Night City was an apt name. It was dreary place during the day with not all that much going on. The food scene was lackluster and if you wanted a good beach, you'd best believe that there were better elsewhere. The nightlife was what more than made up for all the bad. As the sun set and all of the streetlights came on, you'd see the denizens below migrating toward the downtown area. The bars were numerous, the drinks plentiful, and the girls....yeah. Made him happy that he hadn't settled down yet. Victor took a drag on a cigarette and watched the cloud lazily disperse above the glittering city. He could hear the distant din of music mixing with the cars driving through the street below his balcony. He rubbed his beard idly, as he passed the cigarette over to his buddy Glen. The man was monstrous for lack of a better term. Damn near lost his entire face during some work in Yemen and had it replaced with pure metal. Reminded him of those Terminators from those movies back in the day. His right arm was a hulking mass of metal and cables and he'd seen him crush weapons and people like grapes on more than one occasion. It was odd seeing how easily he could manipulate the cigarette with it. The sliding glass door slid open behind before as a brown haired woman, fitted dress and cybernertic arms, bottle of vodka in hand spoke at them with a thick Southern drawl. [color=DarkOrange]"Y'all coming in?"[/color] [color=Khaki]"Yeah, yeah. But pass me that real quick?"[/color] replied Victor as he motioned for Glen to finish off the cig. [color=DarkOrange]"So you can keep it asshole? Get your own,"[/color] Susan fired with a smile, hugging the bottle closer and rejoining the others inside. Victor laughed as he rejoined the others inside. Susan, him, and two others along with Glen outside made up the group pregaming at Victor's hotel room. At first, this hadn't been a plan but while they tried to figure out what to do it had become pretty clear that his hotel room was the only one among them that would fit all of them. Mercs were a bunch of cheapskates if it didn't involve guns, bombs, armor, and tech. Victor walked over to the bar, faux-wood counters that despite the plastic-like texture still looked pretty alright, and grabbed a bottle marked with red tape over the label. If there was anything that stood out about this room though, it was that the sound system was top notch and the pumping beats shook their bones and metal to the core. Definitely unexpected for the price he paid and when Art started fiddling with it, it had damn near made him piss his jeans and go full flashback; the boom was that loud. As he sat down on the couch between Susan and Troy, he took a swig of the rum in hand. Troy was regaling everyone with his last assignment. Something to do with some anti-corporate cult in Congo and how he got stuck in the back of an RV hiding under some poor schmuck who got himself shot. Over the laughs and bass, it was Art who noticed the pounding on the door first. Victor got up to get it as Glen turned down the music. Victor couldn't keep a straight face looking at the guy. Even with his God-damned terminator face, Victor could see the worry in his bio eye. This guy could punch through plateglass and he still got scared over getting in trouble. With laughter barely being held back, he opened the door to find two men, one in hotel uniform and a cop. Confusion flashed over his eyes as he looked them over. His frame blocked the doorway but that didn't stop the other mercs from trying to peek around at the surprise visitors. [color=Cyan]"Yo, are you the stripper?!"[/color] shouted Troy from the peanut gallery as soon as he saw the badge. Now in his line of work, and most any lines of work, that's what would be called a mistake. The cop's face turned into a frown as the hotel employee started to fumble over his words. I guess he hadn't expected someone that towered over him. [color=peachpuff]"Oh, uh, w-we received some c-c-complaints about the noise coming from this room. We want your guests to l-leave and for you to t-turn the music down for the night. Quiet hours are in effect."[/color] [color=DarkOrange]What'd that peachpuff say there?"[/color] shouted Susan from the couch as she finished off her vodka, not breaking eye contact with the hotel employee. Victor stepped aside as the cop came forward, [color=cadetblue]"Alright, everybody out. Just get to downtown already."[/color] Victor looked over at the others inside. While he had not notion that Glen would refuse, Troy and Susan were a different story. Especially after the drinks. Mouthing at them to get the hell out while Glen meekly shuffled out with Art not far behind, Troy couldn't help but get one last jab in by stomping loudly on the ground as he walked out. Asshole. Susan followed close behind cradling a beer. [color=Khaki]"I'll text you guys when I'm on my way. Go ahead and find a good spot."[/color] [color=DarkOrange]"Get a fuckin' implant for that ya caveman,"[/color] she said as she passed before leaning over and probably whispering some vulgar, hedonistic temptations into the hotel employee's ear. Victor motioned toward the empty room, [color=Khaki]"Anything else officer?"[/color] The cop ignored the question as he scribbled onto a sheet of paper. [color=cadetblue]"How about don't get me called up here again?"[/color] he said as he shoved the paper into Victor's hands and exited the room and closing the door behind him. [i][color=Khaki]Malparido,[/color][/i] he thought as he looked at the ticket before realizing that most of it had been left blank. [color=khaki]"Pero que es con esto?"[/color] he mumbled as he flipped the paper and found it blank there too. Flippng it back and examining closely he noticed the comments section was filled out. [color=Firebrick][i]"Red Warehouse. Docks. Now."[/i][/color] [hr] [quote][list] [*][20:10] [color=Khaki]I'm out for tonight. Gotta deal with the ticket you guys got this crooked cop to give me.[/color] [*][20:10] [color=Lightsteelblue] Sorry man, thanks for the cig btw[/color] [*][20:11] [color=Cyan] Sucks to suck :lol[/color] [*][20:18] [color=Cyan]I think I left my pinky in your couch fuck[/color] [*][20:22] [color=Khaki]Sucks to suck heathen[/color] [/list] [/quote] Victor changed out of his nice jeans and into some darker ones. While he didn't have the gut feeling of walking into a trap, if he was gonna get shot at tonight, his going out clothes would not be casualties. Simple grey t-shirt, jeans, boots. Wishing he could wear his tac gear while he made his way into the unknown, he knew that if he wore any of it, he'd probably get flagged down by an actual crooked cop and held up for way too long. Didn't mean he couldn't bring any of his toys though. Holstering a [url=]pistol[/url] in a non-intrusive [url=]holster[/url], Victor stuffed a small bag with several grenades, and, after giving it a kiss, a [url=]rifle[/url] with several loose mags. Putting on a leather jacket, he stuffed some extra mags into an inside pocket and then put on his [url=]rosary[/url] and tucking it into his shirt. Slinging the back of hardware on his shoulder, Victor headed out. The ride was mostly uneventful though he wistfully looked out the window at all of the people getting to go out to the clubs instead of working. Lucky them. [i][color=Khaki]Sucks to suck indeed[/color][/i], he thought as the lights began to fade. The cabbie had given him a bit of an odd look when Victor had told him to take him close to the docks but not wanting to question the man in dark clothes and a suspiciously bulky duffel, the cabby did well by focusing on the road and avoiding the smalltalk. Victor's heart beat faster and faster as the lights of downtown faded behind them and the dreary industrial area engulfed them. He wouldn't call it nerves. It was more like excitement. The moments before hitting the stage, the pause before the beginning of the futbol game when everyone is waiting for the whistle. Victor left after giving the guy a healthy tip and put his boots to pavement for the last four blocks. It was lonely out there, seemed like Saturday night at the docks was not what many people considered a good time. It helped though, made anything outside of his footsteps and breaths stand out that much more. It took a while to find the warehouse. Knowing it was a red warehouse without any other direction wasn't as helpful as one would have thought but hey, the walk itself was nice. The cool night breeze streaming in from the water was refreshing with a hint of salt. It wasn't a beach and "long walks on the docks" didn't have quite the same ring to it, but it was nice all the same. It was peaceful and it really made him want some junkie or thug to try and jump him so he could get the blood flowing. Walking up to the warehouse, a pair of yellow lenses appeared over his eyes. Reaching to his pistol he pulled a small plug-like piece out from the handle and plugged it into his arm. The number of rounds in the mag popped up in front of him before fading to the corner. As he approached, he kept out of the lights above as best he could, hugging the shadows as his steps quieted. He approached the nearby car and examined it. His overlay shifted vision modes to observe the electronics of the vehicle. Car bomb was not how he wanted to go and when he found nothing out of the ordinary he went up to the warehouse and took a deep breath. Pushing the door in, his right arm twitched in anticipation. When he entered and no rounds started flying, he exhaled. A feeling like disappointment filled him but so did a touch of relief. His lenses disappeared as he approached the others. Some men, some ladies. An old guy, an really augmented woman, two ladies on their phones, a suit and a merc, and another suit. A really nice suit actually. Almost made him feel underdressed for the occasion. Oh well. With a wave to the group as a whole, he sat down on a crate amongst them. Nearby was a concrete column. If the bullets began to fly, he knew where he'd jump to first. It was a really strange collection of people. Just what exactly were they getting themselves into? He looked over at the two suits in coordinated outfits. Seems as though they were still waiting for more. [color=khaki]"So I just had my night out shot. When's this party getting rolling?"[/color] he asked aloud, accent on display, as he looked over at whatever game the two women were playing. Looked kinda fun.