Aiden listens to Mika and Sivli chat as they discuss Mika's health. Aiden thought it was weird that Mika was here since she requires such medicine, but at the same time, you gotta do what you gotta do. He learned this from his old friends in the gang. A few of them were sickly and couldn't afford the payments for such medicine. Which leads them to a life of crime. Which got Aiden thinking, what kind of sickness she got, but he never asked since it would seem rude to do so when he just met her. "mm alright, more apple for me later," Aiden said after they reject his apple. "Eh, I'm good for food for now. Maybe in a bit later, so we can all go," he said as he looks over at Silvi. Noticing her new phone as he wonders how much he could get if he swiped it from her. Though once that thought came, he quickly pushes it out of his head. [i]You're not that person any more gotta quit thinking like that.'[/i] "Maybe we should go to our dorm rooms and check it out."