[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] It seemed things were escalating yet again as more magical girls arrived to take part in the fight, but Alicia was distracted as Elroy came down for his massive blow. Already shaky on her foot from getting shot, the shockwave rolled over her without mercy. Her feet gave out and stars burst behind her eyes as her head smacked the ground. "Gah!" She was stunned for a few seconds, her head ringing from the impact as the fight continued to rage around her. Alicia knew that she couldn't just sit back though, and that this was only making her a sitting duck for that girl from before. It was just a matter of getting her body to listen to her and do what she wanted. Stumbling to her feet, her vision wavered before resolving, and she ignored the throbbing in hr temple from where it had collided (which was now bleeding from a gash though she did not realize it). Hefting her bow, Alicia assessed the situation to figure out where she would be most of use. The other girls who had arrived seemed to be focused on Elroy, so she would have to deal with the girl. She had a general idea of where the shot came from at least, though she didn't know the specific location. Well, if that was the case then she would just have to hit everywhere. Raising her bow Alicia targeted he building across the street and focused energy into the created arrow. Light traced itself in a sigil in front of the bow similar to the trick that she had used back at the hospital. When she fired, it caught the arrow and multiplied it before redirecting it to hit every window in the building that she could see at the same time. She gave it a couple moments before repeating the process, hoping to get some sign of where her target was so she could better zero in her barrage. [@Hammerman][@BrokenPromise][@Majoras End][@Shifter_Master][@Vocab]