I just recently have come back to the guild after a few months away, and would love to start up 2-3 pm roleplays [hider=About Me] My name is Amy , and i am 22 years old and in college to become a teacher, I'm female and have been on and off the guild for a couple of years now. i tend to prefer adult themed roleplays as i become more invested in it. i frequently chat with my RP partners outside of just the RP, and love just talking to people about there day, my day, ect. [/hider] [hider=requirements] You must be 18+ to RP with me, I do both MxF and FxF. i Don't require that you write more then a paragraph a post, but am certainly comfortable with 3-5, whatever you give me expect in return i always say. i like for romance to be a major theme , so just know that before you respond. i also prefer good grammar and i like if you proofread before sending, nothing kills an RP like a bunch of spelling mistakes.That being said, it happens, I generally prefer to play a female character, but a compelling story can convince me otherwise. I also usually play OC only but once again anything for story sake, the exception being Naruto. i will play cannon character from that universe as i feel comfortable portraying them. [/hider] below is a list of some fandoms i like, but I'm also open to other ideas so feel free to ask. [hider=Fandoms] Naruto (highly prefered, oc or cannon is fine) Pokemon Digimon (the original ones) Romance of the Three Kingdoms Sengoku Basara Samurai Warriors Gundum Dragon Age Inquisition Yu-Gi-Oh (would use a deck) Overwatch League of Legends X-Men Sonic the Hedgehog Prince of Tennis Chaotic Medabots Sonic the Hedgehog Megaman NT warriors [/hider] in the Pairings below, the bold is what i would want to play if it has a * by it that is my eagerness to play that role [hider=Pairings] Human X [b]Elf[/b] Rakan X [b]Xayah[/b] [b]Xayah[/b]xOC* Prince X [b]Concubine[/b]* Jock X[b]Cheerleader/volleyball player[/b]* HumanX[b]Kitsune[/b]* HumanX[b]Vampire[/b] HumanX[b]Neko[/b]* [/hider] [hider=slice of life] I am also a huge fan of the anime tropes in a slice of life like a sports anime or a highschool setting and would be highly interested in doing a heavy romance style RP here [/hider] please send all requests and questions through Pm hope to here from you guys <3