[i]King Viserys of House Targaryen, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, is dead. His Grace passed peaceably abed with his good wife, Queen Alicent and his first trueborn son at his side. In accordance with the decree of the Great Council of 101AC and the laws of Gods and Men, his crown has passed to Crown Prince Aegon Targaryen, the Second of his name, Rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm. Crowned in the Dragonpit, anointed in the oils of the Seven alongside his good wife Queen Helaena. May their reign be long and peaceful. Grandmaester Orwyle[/i] [hr] [b]High Tide[/b] Corlys looked over the message once more as the rest of his advisers filed into the private solar, his hand laying against his temple as he contemplated the words. Ser Baelor, his grandnephew and the Steward of High Tide filed in with Corlys' nephew Ser Aerion along with Maester Duncan, a Northman. Rhaenys already sat by his side. The three men took their seat, Aerion being the first to speak, "It is the dead of night uncle, what tidings do you bring us?" The tension in the room was palpable, all of them being well aware of the political situation, probably suspecting what Corlys would say next. Corlys grimaced and said, "Viserys is dead and we have a new king, King Aegon, Second of His Name. He has demanded that I appear in King's Landing to pledge fealty." Duncan frowned while Baelor's brow knitted in pensive thought and Aerion slammed his fist on the table, "This is an outrage! Princess Rhaenyra is the heir! This is the work of Queen Alicent. And Ser Criston Cole aye, you can be sure of that. This is practically a declaration of war!" Baelor nodded, "Indeed. In all likelihood, Viserys has been dead for days already. And the greens have had ample time to prepare. They would have tried to take any blacks at court into custody or make them swear fealty. Our friend Lord Beesbury and the others who supported Rhaenys are either in chains, dead, on the run, or on the green's side now. They would have had time to secure the royal treasury and send portions away, and have probably already begun hiring sellswords and raising levies. Erecting defenses. And they have certainly been sending messages to the other lords, gaining support. They have a head start on us." Duncan spoke up, "Surely it needs not come to war? Perhaps an accord could be made?" Rhaenys shook her head, "No. I know Rhaenyra, and I know my cousin Daemon even better. They will not accept this. Rhaenyra may seek terms, but they will not bend the knee. And frankly, neither will I. Alicent stole the throne, and she must answer for it." Aerion pounded the table in assent. Duncan nodded gravely, "You intend to declare for Rhaenyra, my lord?" After a long moment, Corlys nodded, sighing, "I do. Whatever rumors may abound, I love her sons deeply. I will fight for them. And my son's wife. And my oldest friend. It is the only thing to do." Baelor replied, "We are at your disposal, my lord." Corlys felt old then. So very old. But the moment passed, and his wizened face resolved into lordly confidence, "Duncan, catalog a list of of those lords who supported my wife's claim at the Great Council of 101. They might be more sympathetic to my daughter-in-law's claim. Many of your countrymen did so including the Starks, Manderleys, Dustins. And add to that list, those lords and knights who swore to defend Rhaenyra's rights. As well as those who favored the blacks at court. Even if they are dead or captured, as Lord Beesbury may be, then their kinsmen and heirs may be motivated to rise up in revenge. These will be the lords who we will primarily try to win to our cause, and I will present that list to Rhaenyra when Rhaenys and I go to attend her." "I believe we can also count on the other narrow sea houses, the Masseys, the Stauntons, the Darklyns, and the men of Crackclaw. They are all vassals of House Targaryen, and our support could tip the scales. Send ravens to our fellow vassals, declaring that we have already decided to throw in with Rhaenyra and that I encourage them to join us at court in Dragonstone to swear fealty to Rhaenyra and to bring their navies. Small lords, but we need all the help we can get. Baelor, you have a way with words, pen the letters under my name." Baelor nodded. "We may be able to reach the Evenstar as well. The Tarths were among those that spoke for a woman's rights. And the Maid of the Vale must be courted. If the King declares the illegitimacy of a woman's rule, it threatens Jeyne's own power. The same can be said of the Roxtons and the Carons, both of whom are led by women. Add them to the list of nobles we will try to ally with. The Caron's support will be invaluable, as it can be helpful to persuade Lord Baratheon to do the same. Whatever Borros decides, most of the Stormlands will follow. Add them all to the list." Rhaenys interjected, "Borros will side with us. He is my kinsman, his father was my cousin and supported my claim." Baelor said, "That is true, but Borros is even more mercurial than his father. And unpredictable. Every ounce of influence we can use to help persuade him, we must use it. Courting the Carons is a wise choice. They are one of the most powerful Marcher Houses. If we can persuade Tarth and Caron to join us, Baratheon will have more reason to as well. And he has many daughters. We should advise Rhaenyra to offer one of her sons in marriage. You can be sure that the Greens have already thought of this as well." Aerion nodded, "The Roxtons may join us, but I am confident that the Tyrells will declare for Aegon. The Hightowers are overmighty and Lord Tyrell is but a boy in swaddling clothes. His lady mother will likely not defy her strongest vassal." Duncan spoke up, worried, "The Lannisters have surely already declared for Aegon. Even with our wealth, Aegon can outspend us with King's Landing, Lannisport, and Oldtown all open to him. Hightower armies alone will outnumber all of Rhaenyra's bannermen alone, including us, and even if the other Targaryen vassals bend the knee to her. We still have the largest and most powerful fleet, even if the Lannisters and Redwynes join strength with the Hightowers, 'tis true, but the margin would be too narrow for my comfort. And that's not even counting Dalton Greyjoy, who knows what he will do." Corlys replied, "All of that is true. Which is why we will take steps to mitigate those risks. I will apportion our coin, and have one portion entrusted to the Iron Bank for safekeeping. Doubtless, Aegon has already done so with them, but they will not take sides in that matter. I'll ask the Iron Bank to send a flotilla to retrieve the gold and work out a line of credit, in Rhaenyra's name. Having the Iron Bank funding Rhaenyra will be a huge help. With my wealth behind her, it will seem attractive to them. And having credit will offset the temporary loss of gold that we give to the bank. Giving some of our fortune to them will ensure our finances, even if the worst were to happen and High Tide is sacked. Another portion, I will send to Dragonstone, which is even a stronger fortress than High Tide, and which would be a nightmare to assault. I will use these funds to continue to build more ships and raise more troops. I will also hire sellsails and mercenaries. We're even richer than the Hightowers or the Lannisters, and I have a feeling that will attract quite a bit of fighters and ships. We will keep the ports open as long as possible, to keep trade flowing." Duncan kept writing, committing Corlys' words to parchment and making notes. "If we win, and I will take every measure to make it so, Rhaenyra can pay me back by taking some money from the Lannisters and Hightowers. But though we will allow outside trade, for our own local merchant ships we must conscript them. I need every Dromond at hand for war. Every local merchant will have his galleys confiscated and converted into a war galley. Carracks and Cogs will be taken to help ferry material and men. Smaller, swifter vessels will be scouting ships. Spare vessels can continue trade to our partners and earning coin directly for us. They will be returned to the owners, and the merchants will be compensated once Rhaenyra sits on the Iron Throne and our enemies bend the knee. Our island has become the biggest trade destination in the Kingdoms, such a move will give us a large amount of ships." "As for our army, we put out a call for recruitment for soldiers and sailors. We will take all volunteers between the age of twelve and sixty. But the farmers and the fishermen will stay at work as much as possible. And every able-bodied man, woman, and child will learn at least basic spear techniques and archery. A great many already do, but so will the rest. If anyone tries to invade while our armies are gone, they will pay in blood for every inch of ground. And though we will continue to build warships and siege weapons, we will take great care to not deplete our forests in doing so, keep production within reasonable levels, no frantic rush. But see the strengthening of fortifications for every castle and port, we will rain stones and scorpion bolts on any enemy." Aerion nodded, as it would be his duty as Master-at-Arms to see to the defenses and the military. Baelor said, "What of the Red Kraken? He will still be of concern to us. And Daemon is no friend to Dorne or the Triarchy. Aegon may want to appeal to them for help as well." Corlys replied, "Dorne and the Triarchy would never support us, not after the wars Daemon and I waged with them. But we will pen letters to Braavos, Lorath, and Pentos, asking them to stand with us should the Triarchy rise against us. We will remind them that if the Triarchy gets the friendship of the Iron Throne, their positions will be greatly threatened. As for Dalton... he has little love for mainlanders but especially for the Lannisters and Tyrells. Add him to the list of people we will petition for help, once we meet with Rhaenys. If they have the Iron Fleet on their side, they will outnumber our ships, and they are the only fleet that can truly challenge us. Their support however, would ensure an upper hand on the seas. If the Valemen, Northern, and Stormlander fleets join us, it will be indisputable; even with the Triarchy and Dorne. Finally, we should also petition Lord Tully. Many of the Trident Lords could be sympathetic to Rhaenyra's cause. If Tully pledges to us, it would gain us most of them, save for Harrenhal and a few others. I can guarantee that Larys is on the greens' side." Duncan finished the list of lords and knights who were high priority in trying to persuade to the blacks and he offered it to Corlys who nodded, "I will present this list to Rhaenyra once I get to Dragonstone. I'll take a flotilla to transport the gold I wish to transfer there and a force of men to help reinforce the Dragonstone garrison. Ser Valarr and his ship will accompany me. And I will inform her of my overtures to the Iron Bank and the Free Cities. The rest of you will see to my orders while I'm gone. Baelor, I leave you in charge while Rhaenys and myself are absent." Baelor nodded, "I will not fail you my lord." Corlys nodded back, "Daemon is the most experienced and skilled general in the Kingdoms. We will discuss strategy there, though I expect some sort of overtures to peace will be bandied about beforehand, likely from the Grand Maester. As such, continue to build our forces but make no overt moves. We will likely have to blockade the Gullet, if war truly begins, but we will not do so until all of Rhaenyra's fleets are assembled. We shall conserve our strength as best as possible. If the gods are kind, one of the two siblings will bend the knee and this will all be for naught. But we will prepare for the worst." All of them solemnly nodded in agreement. Corlys felt somewhat lighter and less burdened, but not by much. They had done a great deal of preliminary work here. It'd help make up for the lost time that the greens had gained and would help Rhaenyra catch up. And Corlys needed to do everything he could to make sure they would all survive whatever came next. Corlys turned to Rhaenys, "My love, go ahead to Dragonstone, inform the Queen of our impending arrival." Rhaenys nodded, and gave Corlys a kiss on the cheek as she left, "I will see you within the day my love." Dragonstone was only a short distance away and Corlys would make all haste to get there quickly. Corlys watched her go before turning to Aerion and Duncan, "Aerion, rouse Valarr and tell him to load my flagship and his with men. And get the gold loaded onto the cargo ships. I want us to be at sea before dawn breaks. Then see to our defenses. Duncan, get those letters out to the other Targaryen vassals. I expect them all to be there to attend the war council within a few days, remind them that most of them owe me money." Aerion nodded and inclined his head before leaving. Duncan bowed before going to send the ravens. Lord Corlys rose and went to Baelor, "I leave High Tide to you for now, Baelor. And... keep an eye out on Addam and Alyn. Make sure no harm comes to them. We may need them." Baelor nodded grimly, "Yes my lord. The gods go with you." "May they go with all of us." He watched Baelor go, then went to strap on his sword belt. He was no longer a young man. But he was the Sea Snake. And he would see this war won, without blood if possible, but at any cost if necessary.