Yes, that would accurately describe these people as well; Micah Xavier Johnson, James Thomas Hodgkinson, Malik Mohammed Ali (also known as Everett Glenn Miller), Nidal Malik Hasan, Omar Mir Seddique (also known as Omar Mateen), Adam Peter Lanza, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev and many, many more. You know what is consistent with these people, to include James Alex Fields? They are either self radicalized religious extremists, almost exclusively Islam, or the mentally ill. Some are a combination of both. There is a distinct pattern of who, by and far, makes up the threat indicators for mass shootings and acts of terror. Your average Nazi, as terrible as they are, are not even close to the field of predictable and credible danger to [i]anyone[/i]. The amount of finger pointing is inexcusable when one begins to even dig slightly under the surface. I find myself immersed in it, not by choice, but I can reliably tell you people are more upset by the fact they were flying Nazi flags than what [i]actually[/i] transpired with Fields. This narrative of feigned anger and outrage is artificial, plain and simple. Do not believe this as truth? Look no further than the Boston Free Speech rally, where potentially up to forty-thousand, [i]forty-thousand[/i], people appeared to protest free speech. Why? Because they were [i]told[/i] it was a Nazi rally and were motivated by the Charlottesville narrative being spun. How quickly they forget a man murdering policemen or acting in attempt to massacre members of congress. I am not going to sit here and give you a body count. But if there's any doubt where the violence is right now, and where it really is coming from, look no further than the Alt-Left, who not only vastly outnumber the real Alt-Right, but are an actual danger that is highly mobilized, increasingly more violent, and ever more disturbingly supported by the story being fabricated. Just take it upon yourself to reflect for a moment and compare the two, because they really are not dissimilar. One just happens to be made out worse than the other. Added later, just for the sake of photographic evidence about how biased the narrative is using Boston alone. [Hider=Current] [url=]"All My Heroes Kill Cops"[/url] [url=]"This is War"[/url] [url=][i]Antifa Brawl, to include Actors[/i][/url] [url=][i]BPD on "Peaceful Protesters"[/i][/url] [url=][i]BPD and Antifa[/i][/url] [url=][i]Axe Carrying Antifa[/i][/url] [url=]"Kill Trump"[/url] [url=]"Stupid Black Bitch"[/url] [/hider]