The Empress couldn't help but give Jaakuna a look of disapproval. It was his suggestion! Although admitting one's weakness was probably a step in the right direction, so she would cut him some slack. For now. She cleared her throat as she would stand as well, preparing herself for a brief explanation. "[color=turquoise]In light of recent events--that is, the disturbance that is Zodiark currently wreaking havoc on our countries and attempting to turn us against one another--our good prince here (no need to hide your surprise) believed it best to form a treaty of peace, at the very least for the moment. He is the current representative of Archadia, I of Rozarria. Together with her Highness we had hoped to form a truce, if only to unite one another against the darkness.[/color]" Grant decided he was no longer needed, quietly excusing himself as he would follow Nadeline to the balcony. She was gripping the wall for dear life, swaying this way and that. "[color=coral]Nadeline, what's wrong?[/color]" He asked her, placing a hand on her shoulder. To his surprise, she would pull herself away from him, shaking her head. "[color=coral]I cannnot--it's...[/color]" She stumbled over her words, though she finally took a deep breath before responding. "[color=coral]There was a part of me that foolishly believed he would be alright when we got back. I abandoned him when he needed me...the reality of the situation is finally getting to me, I suppose.[/color]" "[color=darkorchid]What is wrong with you?[/color]" His words may have come out harsher than intended, but his patience had run thin. "[color=darkorchid]What happened to the princess who wanted to rise into ruling the country without the need of a prince? You were always so strong, so definite in your desires. This mess before me is a sad shadow of who you used to be.[/color]" Seeing his disappointment made her feel so much worse, but she didn't have anything to say to defend herself. "[color=coral]You're absolutely right...however, I fear for him. Ultima continues to bless me with her gifts and still I cannot do a thing for him! Why?! Why do I have these magicks and still can't do anything for him?! It's maddening![/color]" She raised her voice, both her hands on the wall before her. "[color=coral]I got Zodiark to admit I was a challenge...and yet I cannot do a thing for him. If only I hadn't followed those rumors of his brother...if I hadn't been fooled by the false image of Sylvester...[/color]" [hr] "[color=pink]Keiran! You can't just go into someone's room like that![/color]" Emiri scolded him as Keiran pretty much walked into Wesley's room without so much as knocking. She almost braced herself to get yelled at, but there he was, still as stone. It was disheartening to see him like that--and the last time they had met, it hadn't been on good terms considering her brainwashing. She watched Keiran approach him, the man inspecting the prince carefully. "[color=pink]What do you think?[/color]" She asked him worriedly. "[color=pink]Is there anything we can do for him?[/color]" "[color=gray]It stinks like It,[/color]" Keiran murmured, narrowing his eyes. "[color=gray]...But this isn't just It. There's someone else's trace here...Hashmal is trying to help him, but it's a battle of the mind. Trauma is a fickle thing, huh.[/color]" That didn't sound good. "[color=pink]You haven't answered my question,[/color]" She pointed out. Keiran crossed his arms. "[color=gray]Well, if he hasn't woke up by now, then he might just need all the help he can get. This should look familiar to you, anyway. Doesn't it remind you?[/color]" He asked her, raising an eyebrow. "[color=pink]You know my memories, too? Do I have [i]any[/i] privacy from you?[/color]" "[color=gray]No. But that's not important. Try to remember.[/color]" This situation was familiar? Was it? Wait, Keiran was right, it was. That time Jaakuna was affected by the Shard...but was it truly the same? "[color=pink]So we need to delve in? Or one of us does? But...the situations aren't the same,[/color]" Emiri frowned. "[color=gray]You could be right. You could be wrong. It's one way to look at it...she said a viera was coming, wasn't she? I'm sure it's a possible solution,[/color]" He stated. "[color=gray]Though...I have to admit, if someone does decide to dive into his psyche...they'll be in for a rough time with this corrupted Mist. It won't be as'd be more along the lines of what you experienced in Nabudis.[/color]" She nearly cried out loud in horror. Lola was the one behind that madness--and he thought it would be [i]worse[/i] than that?! Shaking her head, she tried to think. "[color=pink]I'm sure Jaakuna would be busy with the treaty. Perhaps myself, Nadeline, Grant, and Savayna? Though Savayna doesn't seem like the spiritual type...and Grant...I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's been acting strange. I feel like something happened in Archades, but I don't know what.[/color]" Keiran fell silent, looking at the sleeping Wesley. His expression was calm, but underneath that, much turmoil lingered...