Mable awoke laying face up, staring at a blue sky. "That's not my ceiling..." She blinked in confusion, before suddenly shooting up to her feet. "Kidnappers!?" She put her fists up as if ready to brawl and looked around frantically, but lowered them and only stood dumbstruck at what she saw. She was standing in an expansive grassy field, just how expansive she couldn't tell due to a strangely thick blue fog. "What planet is this?" She pondered to herself and checked her left wrist. However, instead of an advanced personal computer system she only saw an unfamiliar symbol on the back of her hand. She was starting to get a tad nervous at this point. "T-that's right, I put that away before going to bed, but what is this?" Her mouth was a wavy smile at this point as she examined the symbol closer. It was a handheld microphone, which seemed odd. She didn't use handheld microphones for her concerts as she preferred to have her hands free when dancing. She didn't remember getting a tattoo, in fact she'd never gotten one before. As she wandered through the fog she heard voices in the distance, a lot of voices. There was a huge crowd of people gathered here at what was a... wall? Mable moved her head up, and up, and up some more. Before her was a stone wall that stretched upwards for what seemed like forever. Looking to the left and right it was the same, going on for as far as she could see. As she got closer to the crowd she noticed that it was filled with all sorts of people. She had just come from a planet filled with diverse aliens, but this was something else entirely. "Hey, there's another one over here!" A feathered man with a bird like face yelled. A small group of people surrounded her and began pushing her through the sea of people, which was making way for her. "H-hold on, what's going on? What planet is this?" She asked to a middle aged human man next to her. "You think I know? No one knows what the hell's going on, all we know is that you got one of those marks on you." He said. Mable looked at the microphone on her hand and looked back at him with a confused stare. "This tattoo? Ugh, this doesn't make any sense." "No shit, just keep moving and you'll see." The man said. Mable kept quiet as she went through the crowd until she reached the base of the wall. There was an opening here, a rectangular opening that led to what appeared to be a cave. She watched as a man with marble like skin ran towards the cave entrance, only to be repelled as if he had been hit by a rampaging bull. "No one's been able to get in there, but earlier we saw someone with a mark on their hand like yours go in." He explained. "Oh..." Mable of course still had no idea why she was here, but what she did know was that there didn't appear to be any way out. There were thousands of people here, soon or later they were bound to die of dehydration or starvation, that is if their body worked like that. "Has the person that went in come back yet?" She asked. The man looked off in the distance, avoiding the question. "No, he hasn't." The bird like man spoke up, walking from behind her. "That's why we're waiting until we find more of you. That kid, he was warned, but he just ran in on his own. Haven't seen him since. I know this is selfish to ask, bu-" "Alright, I'll go." Mable said, cutting off the avian man. "Huh?" "I said I'll go, not much else to do, is there?" Mable looked down at her clothes, she'd gone to sleep in her pajamas, and she was bare footed at the moment. Not exactly spelunking gear, but what could she do? For now, she just waited for more people with this [i]mark[/i] to show up.