Chessia. A world of magic and wonder. But also a world ruled by pure evil. Ages ago, Chessia was ruled by a council of 2 kings, 2 queens, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, and 2 knights. The council was known as the Chessboard. The Chessboard ruled over the citizens of Chessia, known as pawns, and peace was held for years. That is, until the Era of Crucin. Crucin and his army struck Chessia from nowhere, eliminating the Chessboard and seizing control for himself. Many brave souls wanted to fight back, and they formed the Chessboard Rebellion. One of the members of the rebellion, a wizard by the name of Vitria, discovered a prophecy. The prophecy told of the return of the Chessboard in the form of 10 youths, each with the control of one element. And it seems Vitria's prophecy was correct. Because today 10 children were discovered in the forests of Algeran and were brought to the headquarters of the Chessboard rebellion. Today the Era of Crucin sees the beginning of the end. Basically there will be 5 girls, and 5 guys most of which know eachother. Each will have control over one element. These 10 elements will be: Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness, Electricity, Ice, Flora, and Sound. Yes Flora is different from Earth and Ice different from Water. The main plot would be defeating Crucin and if we got that far, I have ideas for more. So what do you guys think?