[hr][hr] [center][color=7266ff][h2][b]O T H O S[/b][/h2][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][hider=F A C E][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeiANdetqeM[/youtube][/hider][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=7266ff][h3][b][i]L E G A C Y[/i][/b][/h3][/color] Sculptor of the [i]Thousand Idols[/i][/center] [center][color=7266ff][h3][b][i]L O R E[/i][/b][/h3][/color][/center] [indent][i]"Much of my work is merely etching words onto stone. For dozens of lords, I have done this hundreds of times over. Somehow, massive lettering on cyclopian structures manages to inspire the illiterate. Admittedly, I cannot read many of the languages I'm commissioned, so I can sympathize. There really is something about it that inspires awe, even if those messages end up looking like nothing more than pictures."[/i][/indent] [hr][hr]